
Friday, March 11, 2016

Peace, Grace, Hope, Glory

Romans 5:1-2

Therefore since we have been justified --

Declared righteous, not earned righteousness.

through faith, --

By reason of our trusting in Jesus.

we have peace with God --

We are again friends with God instead of His enemies, we don't have guilt between us.

through our Lord Jesus Christ, --

By the means of what Jesus accomplished on our behalf.

through whom we have gained access --

Because of Jesus we can go right in, we have access; the veil is ripped apart.

by faith --

by means of our trusting in Him.

into this grace --

This totally unmerited favor of God.

in which we now stand. --

That we have right now, that benefits us today in the circumstances we find ourselves in at this moment.

And we rejoice in the hope --

We celebrate and take joy in the knowledge of the certainties that haven't happened yet but we know they will without fail. Not just a wish, a future fact.

of the glory of God.

God's goodness, His greatness, His majesty, His enormity and authority, His boundless power to rule and accomplish everything He wills. And He is ours!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!