Galatians 6:8-9
The one who sows to his flesh, -- Works to please his own comfort.
from the flesh -- From the corrupted, sinful nature.
will reap destruction: -- Will die.
The one who sows to the Spirit -- Obeys the Law of Love, responding to others in love, not reacting to their (possibly negative) acts or words toward us.
from the Spirit -- From God's Holy Spirit, our seal, our deposit, our constant companion.
will reap eternal life. -- Eternal living that starts right now.
Let us not become weary -- Let's not get tired of, worn out.
in doing good, -- In always maintaining a positive attitude of seeing the best in others.
for at the proper time -- Not our time, but God's time, actual harvest time.
we will reap a harvest -- We will get our paycheck, our reward, our prize.
if we do not give up. -- Don't quit before payday! before the crop comes in!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!