Friday, July 13, 2018

Your Own Estimation

Romans 12: 16

... Do not be wise in your own estimation.

Sometimes when we compare ourselves and our accomplishments with others, we will see how far they are ahead of us in some way and feel envy for their achievements, or see ourselves as better than they are and become vulnerable to pride. 

This is why we are not to compare ourselves with others. Each one of us is gifted differently from everyone else, so we'll always find inequities (II Corinthians 10:12). 

But we each are accountable to our Lord (Romans 14:4). 

Having studied Scripture for so many years, I could look down on others who have not had that opportunity. But they would be able to look down on me in some other skill or talent in which they excel. 

O my Father, please help me to see others as You see them, not in the light of my own experiences. Teach me to value them as You do, and to value myself with the worth with which You see me. Help me to always remember how sinful and depraved I was when You found me, to humble me before You, and in the sight of others, to consider their needs before my own. 

Thank You so much, Father, for Your great Love wherewith You love me. Help me to love others with Your agape Love, humbling myself before them, whatever it may cost me. 

Because I know You will always provide my every need, and whatever is more than my bare necessities is to share with others who don't have even that much. 

Teach me Your ways, Father; Your generosity, Your compassion, Your tenderness. That my life in this World might show forth Your character through my personality, to draw others to Your great Salvation. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.