Ephesians 5: 15-21
V. 15. Therefore be careful how you walk,
(See then you walk circumspectly,*)
"Circumspectly" comes from "circum," around, like a circle; and "spectere,"to look." So it means looking around so as to stay within the circle; intentionality.
Walking is taking one step at a time, living our lives one moment at a time.
Not as unwise men (fools*) but as wise.
The Bible always uses the word "fool" to denote someone who has no spiritual understanding, or one who rebels against the spiritual knowledge he's been taught.
"Wisdom" refers to knowing, understanding, and applying God's principles by which He designed this Earth, and laid out in a form we can follow in His Law.
V. 16. Making the most of your time,
(Redeeming the time,*)
To "redeem" is to buy back or recover. We are to make the most of the time, the era, in which we are living. Pay attention to where you are, when you are, and how to avail yourself of the advantages and avoid the pitfalls of the times and culture we are in, wherever we are in the World; in every place, and in every time.
Why? Because the days are evil.
Whatever days we are living in, there is evil all around us. That's why we need to pay attention to our culture and environment and be wise in our use of it.
V. 17. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Don't act like a fool who ignores how God designed the World to work; but get to know Who our God is, and how He wants us to cooperate with how He made it all. And as our Father, He wants us to do well and be successful, as even human fathers and mothers want for their children.
So how do we do this?
V. 18. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation (debauchery**)(excess*), but be filled with the Spirit,
"Dissapation:" when energy is used or lost without accomplishing anything useful.
"Debauchery:" excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.
"Excess:" going beyond what is regarded as customary or proper.
Getting drunk on wine is allowing yourself to be contolled by the influence of the alcohol on your brain and thinking processes.
Being "filled with the Spirit" is allowing yourself to surrender your thinking to the control of God's Spirit in you, to think accurately according to Truth.
V. 19. Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
Conversing in words from Scripture, God's ideas.
Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Being in constant prayer in the presence of the Lord with us.
V. 20. Always giving thanks for all things in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father:
This presence with the Lord is to keep us aware of God's constant goodness to us, and prompt appreciation and thanksgiving to Him.
V. 21. And be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
To love our neighbor as God loves us, putting their needs before our own, as Christ did when He took our death upon Himself to save us.
This is all laid out so orderly, simply, and able to carry out in our daily lives, from moment to moment, day by day. Simple, but not easy, considering that our own flesh distracts us from the Lord. How can we be constantly aware of His presence with us, in the busy-ness of our lives in this World we live in?
That's why we need to pay attention, and not just slide through the days. We will never slide into rightousness, only into sin. We slide downwards--it takes effort and attention to improve every day; to grow closer to our Father, and into the molding He is shaping us constantly into the image of His Son.
O my Father, help us all to live our lives circumspectly, paying attention to Your presence with us all the time, and teach us Your ways as we interact with others in our worlds.
Continue to mold us and shape us into the very image, the character, of Your Son, our Lord Christ Jesus.
And send out Your workers into Your fields, Father, so ripe and ready for harvest.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
Scriptures from the New American Standard Bible.
* King James Version of the Bible.
** New International Version of the Bible.