
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Our Lord God

... I am the Lord ...

Repeated continually in: 

Leviticus 20: 7; 
21: 8, 12, 15, 23; 
22: 2, 3, 8, 9, 16.

O my Father, again I am impressed with the Truth that we become like that, that we worship, dwell on, think about, spend time with. 

You constantly remind us that You are the God we are to worship, You are the One Who meets all our needs, You are the Lord God Who rescues us from our troubles and our enemies--not any of the gods of any of the lands we are familiar with. We are not to observe any of the ways of this World, this society, this culture in which we live. 

We are to know, dwell on, study, and apply in our daily lives, moment-to-moment, only Your ways, Your laws, Your will for us; to accomplish Your purposes according to Your plans for each of us, and Your great Plan of the Ages for all of us. 

What You have begun in me You will perform and perfect in That Day when Christ Jesus returns!

Continue to mold me and shape me, form in me the character of Christ my Lord; make me into the person You created me to be.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!