
Thursday, November 24, 2016


Psalm 107

(V. 22) And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving and declare His works with rejoicing.

This whole Psalm, all 43 verses of it, recount the downward spiral of how God's people were blessed by the Lord, then turned from Him and suffered the consequences, then turned back to Him and His ways, and were again blessed. Over and over again. 

Our thanksgiving is a sacrifice when we are thanking God for His goodness even though we are experiencing troubles or sorrows. God is still good, and He still wants to bless us with every blessing in every area of our lives. Our attitude of thanksgiving will put us in the place where we will be able to receive His goodness. 

What we focus on becomes magnified in our view, and other things fade into the background. So if we're focusing on our troubles, they will loom large, and the good things will fade. Likewise, when we decide to focus on God's goodness that He never stopped showering on us, then that will fill our consciousness, letting our problems fade away, doing the things in life that will tend to solve the problems, and bring more goodness into our daily living.

We will never be without troubles and sorrows in this world, but let's focus instead on how God's blessings bestow upon us the Sun to rise every morning, the rain to water our food crops, and the beautiful Moon every night. And God's people will never be without clothes to wear or food to eat, that is promised. 

This Psalm ends with the conclusion:

(V. 43) Whoso is wise and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord.

Amen, and Amen!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!