
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

II Corinthians 5:20-6:2

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ,

Personal representatives of Christ Jesus in an official capacity.

as though God were entreating through us;

Just like God is the One pleading with you.

we beg you on behalf of Christ,

We are begging you, imploring you, please, as though Christ Jesus is asking you.

be reconciled to God.

Change yourself, your attitudes, your beliefs, to agree with God's character and God's Truth. When I reconcile my checkbook to my bank statement, I don't ask the bank to change, I change my checkbook to agree with the Bank. 

He made Him, Who knew no sin, to be sin 

God the Father caused God the Son to actually bear our sin-nature that three hours on the Cross that the sun did not shine. Jesus was born as a human in order to be able to die our human death. He did not die for certain sins, but He carried the whole basket, and everything in it. His Blood had enough value to purchase all of Creation, which makes Him the rightful judge of us all.

on our behalf

For us, in our place, as the penitent would bring the animal to the priest, laying his hands on the head of the beast conferring his sin onto the animal, which then died in his place in sacrifice. Jesus is our Sacrifice, not just covering, but actually taking away our sins forever, for each one of us. The wages of sin is death, and He took that death for each one of us. That's how much He loves me and you.

That we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Just as Jesus became sin, not just some, but the very root and fountainhead of all our sins, small and great; so we might become, not definitely will, but might if we recognize that, as having sinned, we deserve the death we've earned, and let Jesus die in our place; then we can actually be, not just have, God's very righteousness. This is amazing to me, it boggles my mind.

And working together with Him,

Again, cooperating with God in His plans and His ways.

we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain--

God really doesn't want you to take His grace for granted.

For He says, "At the acceptable time I listened to you, and on the Day of Salvation I helped you" (Isaiah 49:8 Septuagint);

God says that He would listen to our requests and would help us at a time He will accept, and a Day that He would provide Salvation.

behold, now is the "acceptable time," behold, now is the "Day of Salvation."

"Look, right now is the right time, see, today is when you can be saved!"

Today is a new beginning, the first day of this New Year of 2017. My prayer is that we all can begin this new year with new life, God's life living inside our own bodies, His Holy Spirit making our own dead spirit alive. 

Then it will really be a New Year! A fresh start, not held back by any of the things that have ever held us back before. With a new, unshakable faith, a trust that is invincible in our Lord God, Jesus Christ, and our Father in Heaven. 

Happy New Year!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!