I Thessalonians 1: 9
They turned to God from idols ...
They turned around to face God and turned their backs on their idols. This is repentance, to turn around.
When we repent of our sins we turn our backs on the wrong things we've been doing and face the God of Truth, agreeing with Him on the sinfulness of our lives.
If we don't turn away from those things, but try to hang on to them, then we're not repenting. We need to completely leave those attitudes and actions that draw us away from the good God wants for us.
To agree with God about the sinfulness of what we've been doing is to confess those sins, and accept that Jesus took the wrath of God upon Himself for us, in our place. That satisfies God's justice, and allows Him to forgive us and wash us clean. The Blood of the Lamb of God does this for us. This fits us to be able to live with Him where He is.
And God also gives us His Holy Spirit to live in our spirit, making it alive, giving us a brand-new life right now while we're still here in this World.
This new life gives us the power to say "No!" to those things we previously just automatically fell in to, and gives us another choice, to say "Yes!" to doing what is right, instead.
This frees us to have the power and ability to do what is right. This is true freedom, not being chained to our bad habits. And He even gives us a new desire to do what is right, and enjoyment in it.
Sin may be fun and give pleasure for a season, but doing right brings a joy that so far surpasses any other fun or pleasure. Fun never satisfies, but the joy of the Lord fills the soul! There really is no comparison!
O my Father, You truly are everything I need! You are the Source of all that exists. You have made us, and put us here in this environment You made for us, and told us how to live here in compatibility with it and one another.
When we turn to You and listen to what You are teaching us, and take You seriously, putting into our attitudes and our practices Your ways and Your thoughts, then our lives will bring You pleasure, and will promote good in this World.
Then we will be sharing our own testimony of what You have done for us, and your lost sheep will be drawn into the safety of Your One Fold with One Shepherd.
And every eye will see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess in every language, that Jesus is our Christ, our Messiah, our Lord and King; and You will get all the glory, all the credit, all the praise, for You have done it all.
Even so, come, lord Jesus!