
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Don't Be Anxious

Matthew 6: 34

Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

God has given us each morning of every new day. A new day to begin again, forgetting the things that lie behind (not being wrapped up in the past, or controlled by the past), and not being anxious, worrying about the future. Concentrating, focusing on today and what I need to do today will help me to follow closely to God in His footsteps, on His path for me (WWJD). 

When I accomplish today what I am to do, then everything will be set up for tomorrow, too. All the little things of this day will arrange and set up how things will be tomorrow. When I take care of today's trouble, it will not intrude on tomorrow's trouble and multiply.

Father, teach me Your wisdom to walk with You today. Teach me to think before I speak, to have the Law of Kindness upon my lips, and to follow Your direction in every step I take this day.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!