
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Making Aliyah

Isaiah 49:12

See, they will come from afar--some from the North [Russia], some from the West [Europe, the Americas], some from the region of Sinim [Hebrew for a distant Oriental region, e.g. the Far East: China, Japan, Korea].

God is calling His children Israel from all the countries of the world back to the land He gave to Israel so long ago. Individuals and families are "making aliyah," returning to the homeland. God will continue to call His people out of every nation to which they have been scattered, dispersed. Never before in the whole history of Mankind has a nation that was conquered and dispersed ever come back, 2000 years (and how many generations) later, to the very land they had before, to be the same Nation they were among the nations of the world! Always before, the conquered nations disappeared, swallowed up by the nations they were carried to. But not Israel! They retained their identity, everywhere they found themselves. God is carrying Jacob back to Israel, just like He said He would!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!