
Monday, December 10, 2018

In My Pain

Psalm 104: 1

Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, Thou art very great; Thou art clothed with splendor and majesty.

O my Father, I thank You and praise You for Your tremendous splendor and majesty! You alone are God, and You alone deserve all glory, all honor, and all praise!

When I was in pain, I gave God the praise and honor and glory that is due Him, and He had me do what I needed to do to alleviate that pain. 

The doctor found a pulled muscle, and the little bottle of natural herbs and liniment I had on hand was sufficient to take care of the problem quickly, with no side-effects. 

Whenever I am facing a pain or a sorrow or a problem, I have learned to give God the thanks and praise for answering my prayer even before I ask! 

That's what He said He would do, and I trust Him and believe Him. I also trust in Him, and believe in what He said. He is my Source and my Maker, and He loves me more than I can imagine! He gives me everything I need. 

His Word is my dear Father's Love-letter to me, written in a kind of code that takes His Holy Spirit in me to divine. And He has taught me so many Truths that I would not ever be able to discern on my own. 

History is His story, from the beginning to the end. He has told us all the pertinent happenings for us to know, to understand what is going on around us, and to be able to trust Him to know what He's doing. 

Whenever it looks like this World is careening out of control, I know that He has it on a string, like a yo-yo; and He will let it go so far, then flick His finger to bring it all back into His hand! So I need not worry about anything! I know He has it all, even when the World is "going to Hell" all around me. 

I know I will be all right, because even though a thousand may fall at [my] side and ten thousand at [my] right hand, it shall not approach [me]. [I] will only look on with [my] eyes and see the recompense of the wicked (Psalm 91:7-8)

So all my pains, all my sorrows, all my problems and troubles are nothing. They are my school lessons, to learn to trust Him more, love Him more deeply, and seek His face more passionately each day. 

We have only a few days in this World, no matter how long our life may endure; it is but a moment in the scheme of Time and Eternity. And how we use these days of our lives will determine how we will spend the Forever of Eternity. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!