II Peter 1: 1-4
Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ,
Here Peter again says he is of the lowest caste of the society of his day, a bond-servant. And also an Apostle of Jesus Christ. Both the lowest and the most honored.
To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours,
To other Christians, both Jewish and Gentile, who have responded favorably to the Gospel they heard, and been given the faith to believe.
by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ:
Peter is testifying to his own experience of the perfect, sinless Lord he lived with for over three years, that Jesus is our Christ and our God and Savior. He is the Personal Sacrifice whose Blood washed all our sins away from each one of us.
Grace and peace be multiplied to you
Peter is multiplying the blessings he is giving these readers, in God's unearned favor and the peacefulness that defies understanding.
in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord;
This grace and peace is in knowing God, and knowing who He is, and knowing Jesus, and obeying Him as Boss (Lord).
seeing that His divine power
This refers to Jesus' power as Divine, as He is God.
has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness,
Through His power, Jesus has given us everything we need for living this life on this Earth in a godly manner.
through the true knowledge of Him
To believe accurate information concerning who Jesus is and what He has accomplished for us, and more, to not just know about Him, but to know Him, personally, intimately, deeply.
who called us by His own glory and excellence.
Jesus, as God the Father's Son and emissary to us, has called us to faith through His own glorious authority and excellent eminence.
For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises,
By His glory and excellence He shares with the Father, Jesus has given us wonderful, valuable, and trustworthy promises.
so that by them you may become partakers of the Divine Nature,
By what Jesus has said, we know that by His finished work He performed in His Sacrificial Death, He has cleansed us totally, and now that we're clean, He gave us His own Holy Spirit to live in our personal, human spirits, making them Alive. And since it is God the Holy Spirit giving our spirits Life, the life we are living now is the same as the Divine Nature of the Father and the Son also.
We are living with God's Life, but we are not gods. We have God's power to overcome the enemy and gain the victory over every temptation to sin.
having escaped the corruption that is in the World by lust.
Getting victory over sin, we do not need to participate any more in the rotting corruption that is still all around us in the World, that those of the World lust after.
O my Father, thank You for giving us Your own Life to live right here on this Earth, right now. Thank You that Your Life in us gives us Your authority over the enemy, and the power to overcome every temptation and fault and weakness of our mortal flesh.
Father, knowing You, and curling up in Your lap, is such a privilege that I never would have dreamed I could ever do. Yet Your Love invites me into this intimate relationship with You. And with Your arms around me, I know I can conquer every enemy that would dare come against God's Loved child!
O Father, may all Your children know You that well, to experience Your cuddles and embraces, to strengthen them in all the trials and troubles and sorrows and griefs of the World. Preserve each one of us, that not one would ever be lost, or slide off that narrow path You've set our feet on.
Keep our hands in Yours, Father; as our Good Father You will never let us go! Your leading keeps our steps in Your footprints, to keep us from turning to the right or to the left, to not falter or get anxious. Guide us all along the paths we are walking with You all the way to that glorious Kingdom where we will sit on King Jesus' Throne with Him, as He rules on Your Throne with You.
And every eye shall see, and every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord God, King of the Universe, to the glory of God the Father.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!