
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Inquiring Of The Lord--Every Time

Joshua 5:13-6:21

Before the Battle of Jericho, the Commander of the Lord's Army appeared to Joshua to give him specific instructions. Joshua had the men follow these detailed plans, and they gained the victory.

Then, before each battle, when they inquired of the Lord, they obeyed and won.

But when a different situation arose (in Joshua 9:1-19), they forgot to inquire of the Lord (v. 14) and made a treaty with people who turned out to be their neighbors. So they had to keep their word, and not attack them. So they were aware of the principle of Psalm 15:4b, Who keeps his oath even when it hurts, written by King David many years later.

So I must never forget to pray before opening my mouth, or typing and email, or sending a text--every time!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!