Joshua 6: 27 - 7: 1
So the Lord was with Joshua, and his fame was in all the land. But the sons of Israel acted unfaithfully in regard to the things under the ban, for Achan ...
We of mankind are so weak and foolish! God has showed us over and over again how weak and rebellious we are!
God has just done magnificent miracles--drying up the Jordan River while it was in the flood stage, and causing the walls of Jericho to just fall down flat! And still there has to be somebody who doesn't take God seriously!
Achan didn't think that what he did in secret would count. He didn't understand Who God is. And today there are so many who don't know God and consider wrong only when they get caught. Like Achan.
God took very drastic and decisive action then, with Achan and his household who were complicit with him, and the whole Nation feared His Name to purify their own lives; and the other Nations feared them.
O my Father, Your patience will last until all of Your sheep have been found and every creature has heard of Your Love to understand what You have accomplished on their behalf, and refused You.
I don't understand how anyone can refuse to believe the Truth that is right in front of them. How they can think You are less than You are? You are God! We are not, but we still think that we know better.
Father, Your goodness is drawing Your lost sheep into the fold, but the time is coming (and may be here) when Your wrath will be unleashed and poured out on the sons and daughters of Men who have refused to consider Who You are!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!