I John 5: 18
We know that God's children do not make a practice of sinning, for God's Son holds them securely, and the evil one cannot touch them.
O my Father, my Abba Dad, thank You so much for holding me securely, and the evil one, who is the god of this World, cannot touch me.
O Father, I pray for all those who do not know you but think that they do, that You would make Yourself known to them, to let them know how much You love them, and draw them to Yourself. I particularly pray for my family members and my friends to realize what godliness looks like and see how their lives are contrary to Your ways. You have said that You are not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance to turn away from their sinful lifestyles and turn to You for Salvation and Redemption. And I pray that You would have mercy on me and save these who I know and love. And that You would show Yourself powerful to make Your ways known among those in the World, who have been deceived by the enemy.
O Father, in every age Your people have seen the signs You have given us to look for Your coming. And I also see everything You have said would happen is taking place right now in the World and in my Nation, also. Thank You for Your faithfulness to Your promises and to me. Thank You for giving us the "last chapter" to let us know how all things will transpire to bring all the credit and honor and glory to You, the only One Who deserves all praise.
Thank You, my dear Abba Dad, for teaching me how to put a guard on my tongue and my thoughts, so that I can reflect on how it will sound before I say it, and keep my mouth closed when it will not encourage the hearer or draw them to You, Lord. Continue to keep me in the moment, doing each day what is set before me to accomplish, one day at a time. And I know that all the little things of each day will build into that great thing that You have planned for me to do.
I am waiting on You, my God, to show me when You would have me turn that corner that is ahead of me, in Your time, in Your way, with no regrets or worries or looking back.
And I give You, my Lord God Almighty, all the praise, all the glory, all the credit, for it is You doing everything that is done, working everyone's doings into Your Plan of the Ages, to accomplish Your will in Your time, in Your way.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!