Philippians 2: 9-11
(9) For this reason also,
What we saw yesterday, that Jesus humbled Himself and became a man so that He could die a human death for each of us.
God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the Name which is above every name,
Because He humbled Himself, then the Father could exalt Him. And when we humble ourselves, He will also exalt us in Christ.
(10) so that at the Name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth,
(11) and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
God the Father gave God the Son Lordship over all creation. The Son is the Word of God by which He created everything that exists (John 1: 1-3).
The Father is over the Son, and the Son is over the Spirit. I see the Father as the brains, the Son as the brawn, and the Spirit as the life and light. This is very simplistic, but it's my general understanding of how order is in the Godhead.
Jesus commended the centurian for his understanding of the order of authority, saying that his faith was greater than all in Israel, in Matthew 8: 5-10. This soldier understood that Jesus had the authority to command the sickness, even at a distance.
The Son is the Lord God, the sovereign authority over all creation. Everything that exists will bow down to Him, acknowledging His supreme authority.
Everything, from stars and planets and solar systems, to the beings that think and make decisions, to the bacteria and viruses we can't see, down to the very molecules and atoms we're all made of; He's Boss and Ruler over it all.
And we as His body, are participating in His life in the Spirit, and we will help Him rule over creation as His kings and queens, sitting in His throne as He sits in the Father's throne. We have God's Life living in us in His Holy Spirit, and what He has planned for us is so far beyond what we can imagine, that the glimpse He revealed to John of what is ahead for us is described mostly by what won't be there any more! Read Revelation 21 and 22.
O my Father, You are God! There is no other! Nothing can compare to You, everything that exists is from You and is Your imagination! You are our Source for everything. You give us everything we will ever need, and in Your generosity, You give us so much more! You lavish upon us all Your goodness and bounty and prosperity and health and relationships.
Father, You have given us to one another, to teach and admonish and encourage one another. You have given to Mankind to use what You have made to devise so many things that enable us to do so much more than at any other time in our recorded history. And You are still showering upon us all Your wonderful blessings, even when we are experiencing times of trouble and hardship and apart/togetherness.
O Father, I pray for our leaders, that You would protect them and lead them to do for us what is good; and that You be with Your children to show us all how we can each do what we can do to be of benefit to others.
Father, send us out into all the world to preach to every creature how much You love them, and have sent Your own Son to meet all their needs. Lead us to every person who is seeking You, whether or not they realize it is You they are looking for. I know I was looking for Truth, and You are Truth. Some are looking for Peace, or Purpose, or some other quality that You are. Let them find You, let us encounter each one of them, to share You with them, as You are what all of creation craves.
Fill Your great House with all of Your uncountable family members, Father; seat at Your grand Banquet Table all of Your beloved children, to feast and fellowship with You and one another forever!
And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, Son of the Father, Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.
Even so, come soon, Lord Jesus!