Easter is the lynch pin that holds the Christian faith together. It is the day Jesus was Resurrected from the dead, when He rose from the grave, alive. If He'd not risen, we would have no basis for our faith, and it would have died out before it started!
Jesus died to pay the eternal debt we all owe for sin, the sin-nature as well as all the sins that originate in and emanate from it. He fulfilled the personal sacrifice on behalf of each of us, because we all are the criminals who deserve execution.
But death could not hold Him, because He is the only One who doesn't deserve to die! So He rose from the grave, having conquered and gained the victory over death. So He didn't just resuscitate, He Resurrected. The difference is, He came back to life with a different kind of life, not the one He died with.
He died in our place, and was Resurrected with a new life. Now He gives us that same new life, when we admit that we deserve death and let Him take our place, individually.
That's when God puts His Spirit into our spirit, causing us to be born spiritually, as members of His own family. Then we also will Resurrect, with a spirit-body like His, because we already have that Spirit in us.
II Corinthians 5: 15
And He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.
And while we are still living this mortal life, just because we still have these flesh bodies, we don't have to be slaves to them, giving in to all the worldly cravings. We also have that new life, God's own Holy Spirit living in our spirit, so we can go in His strength to serve our Lord and promote His Kingdom.
I want to wish all my readers and subscribers a very blessed and happy Resurrection Day!
Even so, come soon, Lord Jesus!