
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sin And Transgression

Isaiah 53:12

For He bore the sin of many,--

Often Scripture uses "many" for "all." Jesus bore our sin-nature on the cross for every one of us; the infinite payment, enough for every person who ever lived, or will live.

And made intercession for the transgressors.--

Transgressors are those who have transgressed God's law, who have committed overt sins. So the death He died paid for every sin that could ever be committed by anybody. He had to be God to be the eternal Person to pay our eternal debt in time. And He had to be a true human being, to qualify to die our human death. We remember His human birth at Christmas, as He broke into humanity.

May this Christmas bring to mind how God, in His love for us, emptied Heaven of His Son for a time, to bring us to Himself to spend eternity with Him! O how can so many refuse to come to You O Lord, Who loves us so?

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!