
Monday, October 1, 2018

The Wise In Heart

Proverbs 16: 21-24

The wise in heart will be called discerning, and sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness.

Understanding is a fountain of life to the one who has it. ...

The heart of the wise teaches his mouth and adds persuasiveness to his lips.

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. 

Words are so powerful! God's words created the Universe! And our words also, can either build up or tear down, can heal or destroy. 

O my Father, please grant me Your wisdom and Your understanding, that I might see with Your eyes and perceive more of the Big Picture of Your great Plan of the Ages that You have laid out in Your written Word, instead of just my tiny little corner of my world.

Enlighten me to discern Your hand in all that is done, and to perceive Your purposes being accomplished in this World before my very eyes; that my words will bring praise and glory to You alone, and magnify Your glory in the sight of Mankind.

Teach my heart to ponder how to answer (Proverbs 15:28) and let Your sweetness flavor my speech to persuade others to seek and follow only You, my Lord. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!