
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Understanding The Big Picture

Psalm 119:104

From Thy precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way.

God is the Maker and Designer and Builder of everything in the whole Universe--everything that exists. And He has given us His "Manufacturer's Instructions" in His Word, the Bible. This Psalmist has studied all the rules and regulations for operating this world correctly and been able to "connect all the dots" to see the Picture. This is his understanding. As a result of this understanding of how things are to work, he is able to discern that what doesn't conform to this program will be detrimental to it and to us. That is why he "hates" every activity, thought or word that is not in obedience to the Truth, therefore is "false." Falsity throws a monkey-wrench into the works.

This is also why I love to study God's written Word; so that I will recognize anything that doesn't agree with God's ways and avoid it.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!