Deuteronomy 8: 17-18
You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me."
But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who is giving you power to make wealth,
in order to confirm His covenant which He swore to your forefathers, and as it is today.
When it comes to financial matters, God has given us so many practical principles to observe and follow, many of which don't even seem to relate to money.
Yet when we set out to know His ways and His attitudes, and we determine to obey His commandments, laws, and rules, then we naturally prosper as the result.
Even when people do not acknowledge God at all follow His ways in loving one another, they also prosper, because that is how He designed our World to work.
Wealth is not static, not a set sum, that for some to have they must deprive others. No, wealth is made, it grows with the integrity of those who follow God's ways, and is to be enjoyed by all the people.
But even if some could manage to acquire ownership of all the World's resources for their own use, what would it profit them, if they only have it the few days of this life, and lose out on the eternal forever ahead of us all?
O Father, wake up Your Church! Continue to wake up Your Church! Wake us up to follow Your ways to love You and our neighbor as You love us, and to prosper to finance the coming of Your Kingdom.
Father, You know that our enemy is funding His minions to promote all kinds of perversions and twisting of Your beautiful Truth, making it into disgusting and despicable immitations to deceive and destroy the masses.
What You have told us to expect in the Last Days is all coming to pass right now. Please protect Your children, Father; so that even though a thousand perish at our side, and ten thousand on our right hand, it will not come near or touch us at all (Psalm 91:7-8).
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!