See, my Servant will act wisely;
Or, will prosper.
He will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.
He will be given honor and majesty and fealty.
Just as there were many who were appalled at Him--
Everyone who saw Jesus during His Passion. Now it describes why they were appalled:
His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and His form marred beyond human likeness--
This describes the extreme abuse Jesus endured with His scourging and mocking and beating even before His Crucifixion.
So will He sprinkle many nations,
The whole Tabernacle and all the furniture of it and all the priests and people all had to be sprinkled by the blood of the sacrifices to cleanse them so they could be used in worship and be able to worship.
Jesus' death as the Sacrificial Lamb of God would cause His Blood to be sprinkled on the sides of His altar, the Cross. And so, figuratively, His Blood must also sprinkle all of us, the people who worship. All the Nations will have worshipers who will be cleansed.
And kings will shut their mouths because of Him.
The leaders, the important people, will have nothing to say in the face of the King Who is taking control of His Kingdom.
For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand.
Even the peoples of the World who have never heard the name Jesus, the leaders of the Nations who have never learned anything about the Truth or the Creator God, will behold the King, and know that He is in control, that He is the One Who has Authority to rule, and will govern Righteously.
Vs. 8, 10
When the Lord returns to Zion, they will see it with their own eyes ...
And all the ends of the Earth will see the salvation of our God.
When Jesus returns, everyone in the whole World will see Him coming from Heaven to the Earth to claim it for Himself. No one will have any excuse to give him, everyone will clearly understand Who He is and what He's come to do.
This is amazing. God told Isaiah to write about Jesus, how He would suffer and rule. I don't think Isaiah could have possibly understood the full import of what he was writing--I don't know if even we today get it fully--but we have here a clear picture of Messiah, our Savior and Redeemer.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!