Romans 3: 24
Being justified as a gift by His grace through the Redemption which is in Christ Jesus.
God's grace is truely amazing! His gift of Justification, granted freely and generously, has come about through the whole Redemption which has been accomplished by God's Christ, Who is Jesus!
O so rich, so full, so all-encompassing is the Redemption that has solved every problem, paid every debt, answered every question, healed every wound and sickness, restored everything that has fallen from the glory He originally gave it.
Our Lord Jesus, as the Lamb of God, has Redeemed all of Creation from its fallen state by His precious Blood voluntarily shed at Calvary!
I find it so thrilling to see the beginning of the outworking of this Redemption as it is appearing in our World today; to see the Nations being drawn into position to receive our Sovereign King and His Righteous judgment on the wickedness and rebellion and His just rule over all He has made.
O my Father, thank You for Your great, grand Plan of the Ages, and the ability to see it beginning to work out, just as You have told us it would. History really is Your Story of this Creation. You have told us our whole timeline, from before it began all the way through to beyond this Epoch of Mankind on this Earth.
And from Your storyline, we must now be very close to the end of the story: It's the climax of the final scene, and everything looks utterly hopeless--until the Hero enters the stage, at the last possible moment, to rescue us.
And that final Battle will be amazing! (See Revelation 19, and Isaiah 30:31-32.)
O Father, I long to be with You, to see King Jesus coming, to be following Him in His Battle of Armegeddon, and to help Him set up His Kingdom here on this Earth! Finally the Golden Age! The Redemption of the Earth itself.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!