
Sunday, October 1, 2017

Becoming Holy

Leviticus 6: 18, 27

... Whatever touches these offerings shall be holy ... Whatever touches the sacrificial meat shall be holy ...

Leviticus 11: 45

... Therefore be holy, because I am holy.

These are two related Hebrew words for "holy." Whoever or whatever touches the holy sacrifices will be made holy, or will have been made holy. This word is qadash which means "to appoint, to bid, to consecrate, to dedicate, to hallow." So whoever is handling the holy sacrifices in a way that he touches the meat or bread offered to the Lord must have consecrated himself in setting himself apart from the common people and things, as touching these things will also set him apart, making him holy.

Then God says we are to be holy, in the way God is holy. This word is qadowsh which means "sacred, a holy one, a most holy place." This refers to God as already totally pure, sacred, and distinctly separate from everything else. He is the Creator, and we are all what He has made. He is saying here that He wants us to set ourselves apart from the World and Worldly ways and thinking, and think the way God thinks, and live our lives the way He would have us live, always considering what He has told us, rather than what would be worldly or convenient. 

We are to live in the World, but not be of the World. We are to live as citizens of His Kingdom, which would have us obeying all the laws of this World, as well as going above and beyond this World's ways in our attitudes and our relationships with one another. We are to love one another, which would have us living according to all the laws of the land and all the Law of God. 

Psalm 37: 1-8

Don't worry ... or envy ... Trust in the Lord ... Take delight in the Lord ... commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him ... Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act ... Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper. ...

O my Father, forgive me and cleanse me and I will be whiter than snow. Carry me in Your strong and gentle arms, and Your touch will make me holy. 

I refuse to worry or fret, or envy, or allow anger to dominate my emotions and passions. I trust in You, my heart delights in You. I commit all my life and my self to You. I rest in Your arms today and patiently wait for You to act, to accomplish Your purposes this day in my life, in my family, in my friends, in my Nation, and in this World where You have placed me. I trust You to continue to do Your work of preparing everything for the return of our King.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!