
Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Lessons From The Past

Isaiah 42: 23

Who will hear these lessons from the past and see the ruin that awaits you in the future?

It is said that the past repeats itself. This is because we do not listen to the lessons from the past. We think that if we go this way, then it will go well for us. But God says that there is a way that seems right to us, but its end is destruction, death (Proverbs 16:25). That is why history repeats--we keep doing the same things expecting a different outcome! This is insanity! If we would only look at our own history with inquiring eyes to learn those lessons, then we would finally turn to God to find out His ways.

When we can learn God's ways for us, then we will be able to do the things He wants for us; we will learn how to interact with our fellow human beings and use this Earth for our benefit, and we will all be better off for it.

But we naturally want to figure things out for ourselves, we're smart, we can make our own decisions. So we close our eyes to history and repeat the same policies that have failed in the past. Many may do this, thinking that they will benefit from others' loss, which is using people. People are to be loved, things are to be used. If we love the things of this World, then we will use people to get more of them. This is evil, will not satisfy, and is detrimental to our human family.

We need to pray that God will teach us His ways, and that He would grant that His people would rule over us, according to the good and beneficial ways God has told us in His Word. We need to live our own personal lives, and seek to live our corporate and community and political lives together according to His ways. Then we will do the things that will fulfill our own desires (Psalm 37:4), and further along God's great Plan of the Ages for all of us in this era He has placed us in. We each have a small role to play, a simple thread to add to His great Tapestry of Time. Our threads could be dark, even black, or they could be a bright color, or even silver or gold! It is our choice to go God's way or our own way, determining what our "color" will be in that final Big Picture.

God's magnificent glory and perfect justice will be on display for all eternity. I want for all of us to be part of the glory side of forever. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!