Acts 16: 8-10
And passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas.
A vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing and appealing to him, and saying, Come over to Macedonia and help us.
When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the Gospel to them.
Now God is leading Paul to the people He had prepared to hear the Gospel. The Holy Spirit had forbidden him to minister in Asia, then he had a dream, and took off right away to go to Macedonia.
By the pronouns used, they and we, us, we see that Luke joined Paul's group at Troas. Luke wrote this book so we could know the correct history of what took place.
Luke was a scientist, a doctor, and I think that he traveled with Paul to help him with his "thorn in the flesh," as it may have been a medical condition.
We're not told what it was, Paul was not focused on himself that much, so we can apply this principle to whatever "thorn" we might experience.
Paul was sensitive to the Spirit's leading, recognizing that it was the Spirit closing the door, and using the vision to show him the door that was now open.
O my Father, please help me to be sensitive to Your Spirit as Paul was; help me to have the courage and boldness to go forward, recognizing Your leading in the closed and open doors You set before me.
Lead me, Father, to those lost sheep who are seeking refuge, give me Your words to share with them so they will know Your Love, and keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth to say only what they need to hear, not my own fleshly desires to spout off.
And You will receive all the credit, all the glory and honor for all You have done. Every eye will see and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess in every language, Your praise and authority throughout all eternity, forever and ever.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!