
Monday, April 11, 2016

Gifts From God

Philippians 1:29

For it has been granted to you --

We have been given to us as gifts.

on behalf of Christ --

Because of, as a result of, what Christ has accomplished as our Substitute.

not only to believe in him, --

Our belief, our faith, our trusting in Jesus is a gift of God, not of ourselves.

but also to suffer for Him. --

When we are rejected by others, persecuted by others, it's not to make us victims, but to grant us victory over the works of our enemy.

So the faith we have in Jesus to take our place in death in payment of our debt is a gift from God, as He draws us into trusting Him. And when we are persecuted and martyred, that is also a gift from God. We may see suffering as other people making us victims, but God grants us this as a means of growing us up to be mature adults in His family, and we will reap the benefits as He receives the glory.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!