Ezra 7
This chapter records Ezra's actual journey from Babylon to Jerusalem to promote revival among the people by teaching them the Law. Ezra was a Scribe, and he set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel (V. 6).
These people were encouraged and supported by the king in Babylon, Artaxerxes (Xerxes, Ahasuerus) where the Israelites had been deported, to now return.
Now this foreign king had favor toward them, and allowed them to not only return to their own land, but also sent a letter with Ezra giving him the authority to take with him all the silver and gold that had been taken, and from Bablylon, and from the whole area of Trans-Euphrates, to provide everything they would need to worship God, lest there be wrath against the kingdom of the king and his sons (V. 23).
Also, the Trans-Euphrates governors were forbidden to collect any taxes or tribute or duty from any of this priestly clan, whether they be Levites, priests, musicians, gatekeepers, temple servants or any other workers in this House of God.
And Ezra was to appoint magistrates and judges to administer justice to all the people of the whole area of Trans-Euphrates, to those who were already familiar with the Law, and to teach the others who didn't know it.
This was the main duty of the Tribe of Levi, who were not given their own territory in Israel, but were scattered among all the other tribes; to teach them all God's statutes and ordinances. In Jesus' day, these were the Pharisees (the conservatives) and the Saducees (the liberals).
And Ezra was even to enforce that Whoever does not obey the Law of your God and the law of the king must surely be punished by death, banishment, confiscation of propery, or imprisonment. (V. 26.)
Ezra testified: ... Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leaders from Israel to go up with me (V. 28).
It looks as though Esther had a very good influence on her husband after the problem with Haman was dealt with, and her Uncle Mordecai was promoted into his high position with the king. (See the Book of Esther.)
This is King Xerxes, who is also known as Artaxerxes and Ahasuerus. All the same man.
When the time comes to accomplish the next step in God's Plan of the Ages, it doesn't matter what mere Man wants to do, because even The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turns it whithersoever He will (Proverbs 21:1). And He turned this king's heart to favor His people and send them back home with all the worldly riches they could ever want.
God is doing everything He can to show His people how good and kind and generous He is, to draw them to Himself, if they they would only decide to turn to Him.
O my Father, You are amazing! Over and over You have done everything possible and impossible to show us Who You are! You really do want all Your people to know You, and love You as You love them!
That is how You designed this Universe to work, and how You wanted Mankind to build our World on this beautiful Earth. When Your people follow Your ways and live their lives and run their governments accordingly, then You allow us to enjoy the abundance You put here for us.
But we are susceptible to the World, the Devil and our own defective DNA that all work against us even wanting to know You. So You are continuing to unfold Your Plan through the Time we experience day by day, and Your Son came, fulfilled all the Law and the Prophets, and will return to wrap up the rest of the prophesies, just as You told us You would.
So help us, Father; to prepare for "the rest of the story," to persevere and endure until the final battle that will cause the Earth to explode and the Universe to implode (II Peter 3:10), and You remake and rebuild a New Heaven (Universe) and New Earth, suitable for us to live with You, Father, forever and ever (Revelation 21:1; 22:5).
And every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess Your Majesty and Authority over all kings and lords throughout all Time and Eternity!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!