
Friday, January 25, 2013

Real Food and Real Drink

John Chapter 6  

Jesus said, "My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I live in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me."

I often wondered exactly what Jesus was referring to, when he said this. But then, a few verses later, he explains:

"The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life."

So real life is spiritual, not physical. If I just try to nourish my body without nourishing my spirit, it would be like trying to be happy without ordering my life according to righteousness. Just like doing the right thing and making wise choices will bring happiness as a result; so feeding on Christ's body and blood, His words, which are spiritual, will nourish the real life I have in Christ, which will also spill over into the physical. Good physical health is a result of good spiritual, mental and emotional health, nourished by God's Word.

Good spiritual health is when I think God's thoughts, I desire what God wants, I love what God loves, I understand according to God's ways; then the by-product will be good physical health, also.   

The Beginnings

Hello, Welcome to my Blog!  

The Beginnings:

Thursday, November 13, 2003

This is when I began to  journal. I realized that God was teaching me stuff, after my husband died, and I wanted to have a record, so I wouldn't forget!

When my husband died after 30 years of marriage, I collapsed on the couch, because I had depended on him for everything. 

I had started journalling my prayers the summer of 2003, when I first began to have a regular "quiet time" with God. I would read a verse or passage, then answer the questions posed in the journal I was using. For a while my written prayers wandered far from the topic of the verse, as I was recording my thoughts, and that was okay, because I was sharing my heart with God.

But then came the day that I realized that I'd been changing the subject on God, in this conversation we were having. Now, that's rude, to listen to a friend, then start talking on a completely different subject altogether. So now I began to listen to what my Father is saying to me each day, and respond to Him.

I'd found that having a journal to write in kept me awake for morning devotions, and enabled me to be consistent; something I never accomplished  before. And it gave me strength to carry on in ways that I wasn't able to before.