I John 1:8-10
If we claim to be without sin - Refuse to admit that our wrongs are wrong.
we deceive ourselves - We lie to ourselves, fantasize.
And the truth is not in us - We've chosen fantasy over reality.
If we confess our sins - Admit our wrongs, face the dysfunctions in our lives and recognize them as sin.
He is faithful - He always remains true to what He has said.
and just - Because the price has already been paid at Calvary.
And will forgive us our sins - The ones we are aware of and have just confessed.
And purify us from all unrighteousness - Clean out all the filth, shame, dysfunction; everything in us that is contrary to His perfection and goodness to make us pure and holy completely.
If we claim to have not sinned - Refuse to admit that what we've done or said is wrong, justify ourselves.
We make Him out to be a liar - Because we're contradicting what He said as though we're right and He's wrong!
And His Word has no place in our lives - We've pushed out His Truth and embraced our own fantasies.