Proverbs 13: 3a, 6a
The one who guards his mouth preserves his life;
Righteousness guards the one whose way is blameless.
O my Father, make my way blameless, search my heart and expose what is not pleasing to You; clean out the wounds and apply Your balm of Gilead to sooth and heal!
That I may see with Your eyes, hear with Your ears, perceive with Your understanding, and walk in Your ways.
Pace my stride with Yours, that I not run ahead or lag behind, not veer to the left or the right, not wander of in inattention, or pull away in fear or rebellion.
Strengthen me and grant me Your peace; keep Your arm firmly around my shoulders and Your hand over my mouth, as You have so graciously done for me in the past. That righteousness would guard me this day and henceforth.
My confidence is in only You, my Creator and Redeemer, my Lord and sovereign King, my Teacher and my Husband. I am desperate for You, as the hart pants for the waterbrook.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!