Galatians 6:1-10
Brothers - This is family truth.
If someone - Any of the family members.
is caught in a sin - Entangled in some habit, addiction or attitude.
you who are spiritual - If I understand the spiritual principle.
should restore him - Share my experience to show the Truth that works.
gently - with compassion and respect.
But watch yourself - Don't focus so much on fixing the other . . .
or you also may be tempted - . . . that I neglect to notice my own attitude.
Carry each others' burdens - Help and support so they won't be overcome by their grief, trouble or problem.
Fulfill the Law of Christ - This is how we love one another.
If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing - Pride.
he deceives himself - I tend to lie to myself about myself.
Each one should test his own actions - Why do I do what I do?
Then he can take pride in himself - Self-worth, in that I have obeyed properly.
without comparing himself to somebody else - No competition here, compare myself only with Christ.
For each one should carry his own load - Be responsible for my own common, ordinary, daily responsibilities.
Anyone who receives instruction in the Word must share all good things with his instructor - Don't forget to thank and reward my mentors.
Do not be deceived - Don't fool myself.
God cannot be mocked - He is Almighty, Sovereign, Wise, etc, etc.
A man reaps what he sows - I need to pay attention to what I am saying and doing, not go off on auto-pilot.
The one who sows to the flesh - To satisfy my comforts.
will reap destruction - Poverty, illness, incapacity.
The one who sows to the Spirit - In the power and insight of God's Spirit.
will reap eternal life - Not only living forever, but a good quality of life right now.
Do not become weary in doing good - Persist, don't wimp out, don't quit.
At the proper time - Payday.
We will reap a harvest - Get the paycheck, experience the results.
if we do not give up - Don't quit before payday!
Therefore, as we have opportunity - Today, don't put it off.
do good to all people - Everybody, regardless.
Especially to those who belong to the family - Family members are due more respect and consideration than strangers and friends; have priorities.