
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Fields Of The Poor

Proverbs 13: 23

Abundant food is in the fallow ground of the poor, but it is swept away by injustice.

What a pithy summary of all the poor Nations of the World. God's goodness has provided abundant food for every Nation, but the corrupt governments of some countries prevent the people from benefiting from their own resources. 

Even when other, richer Nations send food to them, their corruption keeps it from reaching its intended recipients, so the poor remain poor and hungry. 

Yet, if the governments would only govern in Truth, righteousness, and justice, there would be plenty of food and prosperity for all.

O my Father, wake up Your church, Lord; open our eyes and enlighten our understanding to recognize the signs of the times in which we live. That we will respond by searching our own hearts, living our lives according to righteousness, and promoting righteousness in the societies in which we live, all over the World.

Send workers into Your fields, O Lord, that are already "white to harvest"!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Have You Spoken Rashly?

Proverbs 12: 18

There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

We need to really be careful to think before we speak. We need to love the sinner even while we hate the sin.

I know I have spewed out venom when I've not considered how the hearer will understand my words, and hurled out hurtful words. 

When our buttons are pushed, we need to pause to frame our words in the love of God toward those who are upset with us. 

Words have great power: to wound and destroy, or to heal and give life. What are your words doing?

O my Father, please teach Your children how to project Your Love in our words to those who don't know You yet. Help us all to pause and consider how the words we say will be received by the hearers. 

Help me, Father, in my relationships with my adult children. Please draw them toward Yourself, open their minds and hearts to receive Your Life-giving Truth! 

Please send others of Your children into their lives to share Your Truth, also. Especially my grandchildren. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Dealing With Grief

 Matthew 14: 13, 23

Now when Jesus heard [of John the Baptist's death], He withdrew from there in a boat, to a lonely place by Himself; and when the multitudes heard of this, they followed Him on foot from the cities.

And after He had sent the multitudes away, He went up to the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone.

Here we see that, as Jesus heard of His dear cousin's murder, He withdrew to be by Himself to grieve; yet the multitudes followed Him. 

In His gracious compassion, He allowed the interruption: He healed their sick, then fed the 5000; sent the disciples back out in the boat ahead of Him, sent the people away, and was finally able to be alone in prayer to process the grief! 

He allowed the interruption, yet did not let it deter Him from what He needed to do--it merely delayed it. 

O my Father, You have showed us everything we need to know and do to live our lives healthy and prosperously and holy in Your eyes. You have had Your men to record everything we need to know about who Jesus is and what He did when He walked this Earth, and what He taught of righteousness. 

He did not let any distraction keep Him from accomplishing what He needed to do--in this instance, to grieve for His cousin John. 

Help me, Father, to take to heart everything Jesus did, show me how each thing applies to my life. And how to share with others how You are working in my life to mold me and make me fit to live with You, in the very image of Your Son, leading them to You, not myself. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Death And Burial

II Chronicles 24: 15-17

Now when Jehoiada reached a ripe old age he died; he was one hundred and thirty years old at his death. They buried him in the City of David among the kings, because he had done well in Israel and to God and His house. 

Jehoiada was the priest who became a father to Joash when his wicked grandmother Athaliah murdered his whole family. And King Joash did well as long as Jehoida lived. 

God granted Joash to have Jehoiada's counsel for many long years. 

Verses 17-18

But after the death of Jehoiada the officials of Judah came and bowed down to the king, and the king listened to them. 
They abandoned the house of the Lord, the God of their fathers, and served the Asherim and the idols ...

As soon as the old priest died, King Joash listened to the wrong people, and turned away from the Lord! How could he still not recognize right from wrong? How could he be so susceptible to the wiles of the enemy (Satan)? Grief? 

Verse 19

Yet He sent prophets to them to bring them back to the Lord; though they testified against them, they would not listen.

God even sent His prophets to turn them back to the Lord, but they refused to pay any attention to them. 

Verses 20-21

The Spirit of God came on Zechariah the [grand]son of Jehoiada the priest, and he stood above the people and said to them, "Thus God has said ..."

So they conspired against him and at the command of the king they stoned him to death in the court of the house of the Lord.

Okay, God even sent Joash's beloved Jehoiada's own grandson to remind him of God's ways to return to Him, but King Joash had him murdered! 

It looks like Joash never did learn to think for himself; he constantly needed someone to tell him what to do. While his adopted father, the priest, was around, he did what he told him to do. But as soon as he died, he turned to other people who lead him in the opposite direction. And he followed them. 

Verse 25

... (King Joash's) own servants conspired against him because of the blood of the [grand]son of Jehoida the priest, and murdered him on his bed. So he died, and they buried him in the City of David, but they did not bury him in the tombs of the kings.

Burial was very significant in those days. What the mourners did or didn't do reflected the character of the deceased. 

The priest was buried with the kings, the king was not. 

I want to be sure to continue to follow my God, and never stray from His path for me. When I die, I want to die strong in the Lord. If I don't die but am Raptured, then I want to have no regrets or misgivings when I go. 

Death can come any time, without warning. And Jesus can return any day now. So I am seeking my Lord every day; I am reading and studying His written Word continually; and I am posting my blog every day, so others can also draw closer to Him. May my Lord strengthen me to be faithful to Him, even when my natural proclivities try to draw me into myself. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Weary And Heavy-Laden

Matthew 11: 28-30

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My load is light.

These are Jesus' words. He sees how we struggle under the heavy loads we carry in our lives, and He has compassion on us. He invites every one of us to come to Him. He wants to relieve our stresses, so that we will be free to do all the good He has planned for us to do.

A yoke is a specially carved piece of wood that would link two oxen together to pull a wagon. Jesus uses this picture to show us how He wants us to link with Him to let Him carry the load for us. That's what makes it easy and light for us.

He wants us to learn His strong gentleness that will give us precise control in our maneuverings of life.

And His humbleness of heart will keep us from promoting ourselves. 

When we learn to trust Him to fight our battles for us, then we will be able to relax and not fret over the outcome. 

Even when we are in the thick of the battle, when we see a thousand fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, and it doesn't touch us! (Psalm 90:7). This peace He gives goes beyond what we can understand. It keeps us calm while everyone else around us is losing it. 

Have you ever experienced this kind of peace? 

Too much stress is the cause of all kinds of diseases and conditions and syndromes people today suffer with. If they would only "come to Jesus" and let Him be Lord (Boss) over their lives, He would relieve their stress (weariness) and take their (heavy-laden) load upon Himself! This is what He's offering every single person alive. 

He's not saying we won't have trials and troubles, but that He will be with us, taking the sting out of the worst and leading us in how to manage it all. 

O my Father, thank You so much for Your love for me, who was Your enemy. Thank You for sending Your own Son to take my death for me, and give me His Life that will endure forever. Thank You for His taking upon Himself all my trials and problems and sorrows, for teaching me how to trust You with my life through them all, and not worry about any of it.

Thank You, Father, for being faithful to do everything You have said You would do for me, in my life right now and forevermore, causing me to receive the Life of Your Spirit (be born again, from above, John 3:3), and granting me such privileges to be able to learn of You and understand so much of Your ways! 

Thank You for helping me keep my cool in the midst of turmoil. Thank You for letting me curl up in Your lap and rest in Your arms. I have found that Your yoke is easy, and Your load is light, with You carrying the brunt of it for me. 

And You have given me rest for my soul, in my spirit. 

O Father, please grant all Your children to learn of You and Your ways, to trust You implicitly, to handle their lives with serpentine wisdom and dove-like gentleness (Matthew 10:16) when they face attack and/or persecution. 

Strengthen Your people, Lord God Almighty, to face the enemy and stand up under the attacks. You have given us Your armor to put on (Ephesians 6:13-17); let each of Your soldiers be garbed in Your protection, and maintain Your peace. 

And may the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony give all of us Your victory over the enemy (Revelation 12:11). 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Friday, October 26, 2018

The End Of The Last Days

Matthew 10: 21-22

And brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all on account of My Name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved (rescued).

This is at the end of the final days. I believe it will come in my time, I've asked my Father to let me be here for Jesus' coming, and see the dead rise from their graves and meet Him in the clouds.

God's great Plan of the Ages is revealed all through His Word! Every part of it is intricately intertwined with all the rest, in one glorious, magnificent, orderly and grand Plot, overarching everything mere man can plan or do! 

God has told us how history would unfold, and it has proceeded exactly as He told Daniel it would. And Time is still marching on, unfolding events that are rushing this World into the very circumstances He has already told us are coming. 

We think our choices are freely chosen on our part, but everything we as a Race of Man choose only furthers God's goals.  He's that wise and powerful.

O my dear Father, please continue to strengthen Your Church, the Body of Christ, to boldly face the extreme trials coming. 

And, Father, please send out more laborers into Your fields ripe to harvest! That all Your lost sheep will be found and brought into the safety of Your One Fold with One Shepherd. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Workers Are Few

Matthew 9: 37-38

Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.

I wonder how many of God's children, disciples of Jesus, actually "beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest"! 

Child of God, have you sought God's favor in sending workers into His fields? 

If you do, He just may send you! When a young woman, Lottie Moon, heard a sermon on this verse, she began to pray, and God told her to go! 

I don't think He sends everyone out to a foreign field who asks Him to send workers, but I would never say He won't want you to go. That's between you and your Father.

The harvest truly is great, and workers are always needed. My dream is to vagabond the World casting abroad the seed of the Gospel! God has priviledged me to attend Bible college and learn how to study His Word to understand it the way He wrote it, how He intends to teach us. This blog is one of my efforts to begin to cast handfulls of His seed. If you are reading this in another part of the World, I would like to know where you are, and how this is helping you. 

And do continue to beseech the Lord of the Harvest. 

O my Father, please put Your calling on more workers; all the laborers that are needed to reach even the most remote fields.

O Father, You have said that You desire Your Gospel to be proclaimed to "every creature," and that You have chosen Your own out of every Nation, every tribe, every tongue that is spoken in all the World! Please send Your workers into all these fields to reap Your abundant harvest! 

Please find every one of Your lost sheep, wherever they may be in all the corners of this whole Earth; send out Your workers to find them all, and bring them into Your sheepfold. So that there will be that one fold and one Shepherd! 

Unite all Your chosen ones in all the congregations over the whole face of this Earth, that the lost will see our love and know that Jesus Christ has come to save.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Today And Tomorrow

Matthew 6: 34

Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come. All we have is today, this present moment.

If I focus on today, doing what I need to do today, taking care of today's needs and obligations, then of course tomorrow will care for itself! It will proceed from today's completion as a brand-new day, with no pile-up of obligations from the previous day's lacking because of worrying about tomorrow! 

One day at a time, focusing on the present moment, doing "the next thing" without putting it off or procrastinating, will complete the day and allow the next morning to bring a brand-new day, with no carry-over from yesterday to clutter it up!

It's so simple, just do whatever my hand finds to do, now, not putting it off; and I will accomplish all that God planned for me before the foundation of the World! 

Thank You, Father, for each new day to know You better, love You more, and serve You faithfully!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Queen Of Sheba

II Chronicles 9: 8

Blessed be the Lord your God Who delighted in you, setting you on His throne as king for the Lord your God; because your God loved Israel establishing them forever, therefore He made you king over them, to do justice and righteousness.

These are the words of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon, King David's son. 

She recognized God's love and goodness. She expressed her faith in God as the Lord over Israel Who could establish them forever (unlike any other god or idol worshipped in this World); and that He is their true King, setting Solomon on His own throne over His people, to preside over His chosen ones with Divine justice and righteousness. 

O my Father, You are the One Who sets up and puts down all who have authority. You turn their hearts whithersoever You choose, like the rivers of water. 

You gave this Queen of Sheba the insight to recognize You as the Lord God Who loved Israel, and Who set this man on Your throne in Your place of authority to rule the people according to Your goodness and righteousness. 

You are the King over all kings, the Lord over all lords. You rule with absolute right, in all You do. You are the standard for what is right. 

My Lord God, You came to this Earth to be with us as one of us, so that You could fit us to be able to be with You where You are (John 17:24). This is Your determination from before the Creation of this Earth. 

You chose Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to form the Nation to whom You would give Your Law, so that as they obeyed You, You would bless them, and others in other Nations would see Your goodness and want to worship You, too. 

The Queen of Sheba had heard about the wisdom You gave to King Solomon and she had to go see for herself if the report was true. She said, "behold the half of the greatness of your wisdom was not told me. You surpass the report that I heard." Father, You had this foreign queen hear about Your man, and when she came to check him out, she was astounded! 

You are amazing, my Lord God! Everything You do surpasses our imagination. You are working out Your great Plan of the Ages through the choices of our World leaders. You are showing Yourself mighty and capable of everything You want to do. And You are setting the stage for the culmination of this Age of Man. 

Dear Father, please continue to lead our leaders, guide them into Your ways for the benefit of Your peoples. And continue to protect Your righteous men and women from the machinations of our enemy and his minions. Please bring Your righteousness back to this Nation before the end. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, October 22, 2018

A Wise Reprover

Proverbs 25: 12

Like an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear.

We need to watch our words. Our words come from our attitudes. Our attitudes come from what we believe. So we are admonished to, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." Another version calls it the "issues of life" (Proverbs 4:23). 

Golden earrings and ornaments are very beautiful as well as valuable. For our words to be valuable and beautiful, we need God's wisdom. We gain God's wisdom from His Word. 

But no matter how desirable and beneficial our advice is, it can only be received by an ear that is listening. We waste our words on those who have no desire to hear us. 

So we also need His discernment to determine who is ready to hear the reproof we have to offer. 

It can all be a very delicate situation, when dealing with close family members or friends we value. 

O my Father, You dealt with me with such gentleness and compassion. Please teach me how to display that same gentleness and compassion toward those dear to me who are harming themselves and others. Strengthen me to face the opposition and, having done all, to stand. 

And soften the hearts of the hearers to hear Your Words, to understand Your ways, and to accept Your reproof. Whether You will use me or another of Your children to confront them, please do confront them to turn them around, to repent of the evil they have been believing and turn to Your beautiful Truth. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Tapestry of Time

Proverbs 24:33-34

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest; then your poverty will come as a robber, and your want like an armed man.

God's Word is so right and true! A little here, a little there, and either great good or great evil will be accomplished! 

The little things grow into great things, whether for good or bad. We form our habits with all the little things. 

O my Father, teach me to use the moments You give me for good; help me to use all the "little minutes" productively.

Lord, lead me every day, dear Father, to make the best of every moment, not even let the good take precidence over Your best for me.

I desire to serve You, Father, my Lord; teach me Your ways, use my skills and abilities to Your best advantage; so that Your purposes will be fulfilled according to Your great Plan of the Ages, even in my life as one tiny thread in Your great Tapestry of Time!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Season My Speech

Psalm 141: 3

Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.

Proverbs 21: 23

He who guards his mouth and his tongue, guards his soul from troubles.

I pray, O Lord, that You would set Your guard over my mouth, keep watch over the words that proceed out of my lips and fingertips; guide my thoughts and attitudes that I would remember to think before I speak or type, considering the hearers and how they may perceive my words. 

Teach me how to season my speech with Your lovingkindness and grace, that I may not criticize, but encourage and build up; that I may "encourage, comfort, and urge [them] to live lives worthy of God who calls [them] to live lives worthy of God Who calls [them] into His Kingdom and glory" (I Thessalonians 2:11-12), inviting them and inspiring them to return to You, O Lord!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Friday, October 19, 2018

This Place

I Kings 8: 22-53

Solomon's prayer dedicating the Temple:

... Listen to the prayer which Thy servant shall pray toward this place ... and forgive ...When they sin ...if they repent ... and pray toward this place ... hear and forgive ...

This is the first Temple built to worship God. It's based on the plans God gave Moses for the Tabernacle, that was the tent that the people carried with them while they wandered in the Desert. 

It also had elements of other temples, pagan temples, that Solomon was familiar with, so it was more complicated than the tent was. But it retained the basic format, having the altar and holy place and most holy place, and the furniture that was in the Tabernacle. 

Solomon recognized that even God's whole Creation cannot contain Him, let alone this house he had just built; nevertheless, this house, this place, would be the focal point of where God will see from Heaven and answer the prayer directed toward this place. 

And Solomon knew that Israel would need forgiveness repeatedly, "for there is no man who does not sin" (v. 46). 

And he even had a missionary heart, concerning those in other Nations, "For they will hear of Thy great Name and Thy mighty hand, and Thine outstretched arm" (v.42), "in order that all the peoples of the Earth may know Thy Name, to fear Thee, as do Thy people Israel..." (v. 43). 

God's purpose is that all peoples, every tribe, every nation, every language group, would hear and know that, "There is no god like Thee in heaven above or on Earth beneath..." (v. 23). 

God's Plan of the Ages is still being carried out by the people in this World. The Tabernacle was made according to the "pattern" God showed Moses, the real Temple in Heaven. And now this Temple was also built according to that same basic Pattern. 

What is real is what is spiritual and what is material is only temporary, only a shadow or reflection of what is real. Our eyes can only see what is material. One day we will have eyes that can see what is real, but right now we can understand by looking at the models we have here. 

They're not the genuine articles, but they show us enough to see what God is doing. Like a model car isn't a real car, but is shows what the real car looks like. 

There's a connection between the Temple in Jerusalem and the Temple in Heaven, as that is the place where God has "set" His Name, and the prayers directed toward that place will be heard by God. 

Today we as Christians are God's Temple. We don't need to position ourselves geographically to face in any specific direction to assure that God hears our prayers, He has put His Holy Spirit within each of us, and we are the living stones that comprise His Temple on Earth today. The church is not a building, it's the people that are the building. 

But God's Plan has not changed. He still wants people everywhere to know that He is God, not anything else. He is the only God, everything else people worship is only an idol, a false god. 

Only God can give Life. All the false gods deal only death; division and separation and dis-ease. God provides unity and relationship and health. God is the Source of everything good, everything we are made for, everything we need. 

God loves what He made, and He wants us to know Him, and to love Him back, and to love one another as He loves us. Love is Life. God's Love gives us life. 

O my Father, strengthen me to clearly show others Who You are. Give me Your clarity of Purpose, to promote Your ways and Your Kingdom, so I won't be distracted by worldly pursuits. Keep my feet straight on the path You have placed me on, and I know You will never let go of my hand.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Dominion Forever

Psalm 139: 23-24

Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts, and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.

Revelation 5: 12-13

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing ... To Him Who sits n the Throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever.

God alone is God! He will not share His glory of Godhood with any other! He alone is the Creator and Sustainer and Finisher of all that He has made, which is everything that exists! 

He has told us of Himself and His ways, and He has redeemed us out of the prison and slavery of sin. 

O my Father, try me, search me, uncover whatever is still in my heart that is hurtful; expose the sin I am still hiding from myself, so I can confess it, forsake it, and be cleansed and healed. 

Mold me and make me into a vessel that is fit for Your use! Here I am, Lord, use me!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

"Repeats A Matter"

Proverbs 17: 9

He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter (he does it again) separates intimate friends.

I was puzzled by this verse for a long time. But as I thought about it, and came back to it to consider it again, I finally came to an understanding of what it means. 

It means that I can preserve a friendship with one who has wronged me in some way by forgiving them and not bringing it up again; but if they take advantage of my graciousness and do the same thing again, or are otherwise inconsiderate or do wrong to me again, then the friendship would still be broken.

I am to do my part to heal the relationship, but they are also responsible for doing their part. 

I cannot change their attitudes, I can only work on "inviting" them to do right, and "inspiring" them to act on their "higher nature." It is up to them to do so. 

O my Father, help me to learn from You to be as shrewd as a serpent yet as gentle as a dove in my relationships with others, that I not push them away, but draw them back to You.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

God's Predestined Purpose

Acts 4: 27, 28

For truly in this city there were gathered together against Your holy Servant Jesus, Whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the gentiles and the peoples of Israel,
to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur. 

This is part of the prayer the Christians were praying after Peter and John were charged by the Jewish leaders not to preach Jesus any more; after they healed the 40-year-old crippled man who begged at the Temple gate, and were preaching that Jesus was Resurrected. 

The Jewish leaders didn't want to be charged with the death of Jesus, and they were the ones who bribed the Roman guards at the Tomb to say that His disciples stole His body away. 

But all this happened according to how God had planned it out before He created this Earth. He planned that both the Roman rulers along with all of the Gentiles and all the peoples of Israel--all of Mankind--would put to death His own Son, that we all would be guilty of this dastardly crime. 

This is why Jesus was born into our World, to die our death so He could give us His life. He gave us His Law to describe what Jesus would accomplish, and He raised Him from the dead to prove He accepted that Sacrifice as payment in full for all our sins. 

O my Father, thank You for Your Love for us, all of us and each of us. Thank You for sending Your own Son to be that Lamb of God, Whose blood was shed for each of us individually to save us, and for all of us together to purchase us, for judgment. Thank You, Father, that His blood washes us white and pristine as the snow, as though we'd never sinned. 

This was Your plan from the beginning, Father. To be able to redeem us from our very sin-nature, so that we will shine like the Sun in Eternity with You. We are washed thoroughly clean from every stain, to be perfectly fit to live with You where You are, in Your Heaven, forever. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Answer Of The Tongue

Proverbs 16: 1, 9

The plans of the heart belong to Man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.
The mind of Man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

We are supposed to make our plans to live our lives, but they are not set in stone. While we're going, God will direct us. It's much easier to steer a vehicle when it's moving, so we're not to just sit and wait for His leading. 

I can ask my Father to help me in an interaction: I recall a time when my attitude was very critical and I recognized this. So I prayed on my way, and when I got there, I heard myself saying very encouraging things instead of the criticisms I'd been thinking about on the way. This is proof to me of the practical truth of this Psalm. 

Now I am depending on Him to direct my steps, in the things I see before me to accomplish. Whenever I find myself trying to work out all the details by myself, I realize that my pride is hiding from me the concern my Father has for even the tiny details of my living each day. Then I turn to Him, and let Him steer me in the right direction. Then I can relax, and not fret over what is going on around me. I can rest in His loving arms, knowing that He has my back, and wants the best for me. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Wiser, More Insight, Understand More

Psalm 119: 97-101

O how I love Thy Law! It is my meditation all the day. 
Thy commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever mine. 
I have more insight than all my teachers, for Thy testimonies are my meditation. 
I understand more than the aged, because I have observed Thy precepts. 
I have restrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep Thy Word. 

O my Father, Your Word and Your ways are my delight! I keep my mind continually on You all the day: Who You are, how You are, Your qualities and characteristics; what You do, what You have done in the past, what You are doing now, and will accomplish and finish; Your faithfulness to Your promises throughout Time and Eternity; how I can trust You implicitly, even when I don't understand what You're doing in my life. 

Your rules and regulations give me a wisdom that goes beyond this World. Even those who are teachers don't understand when they don't consider Your ways. Even when people get old, if they've not spent their days in Your Word, then they won't have learned Your ways. 

I wait on You, I do not want to run ahead of You or lag behind, I don't want to wander off or pull away; keep my feet from turning to the left or to the right, but only following hard in Your steps, straight on this path on which You have placed my feet. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

To Be Useful And Fruitful

II Peter 1: 5-8

Applying all Diligence in your 
Faith, supply 
Moral Excellence, and in your Moral Excellence, 
Knowledge, and in your Knowledge, 
Self Control, and in your Self Control, 
Perseverance, and in your Perseverance, 
Godliness, and in your Godliness, 
Brotherly Kindness, and in your Brotherly Kindness, 

For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

O my Father, please let me be neither useless nor unfruitful in my service to You! Prepare me; prepare my heart, my mind, my attitude, my mouth and words, for the work You have prepared for me to accomplish toward Your Kingdom. 

Grant that I would apply all diligence in my trusting You to supply moral excellence in me, leading me into greater knowledge of Your ways, having self control over my perverse ways, persevering in the godliness You are building in me, producing the brotherly kindness to be gracious to others, loving them as You have loved me. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Appointed To Doom

I Peter 2: 8

"A Stone of stumbling and a Rock of offense;" for they stumble because they are disobedient to the Word, and to this doom they were also appointed.

This Stone of stumbling and Rock of offense is none other than Christ Jesus, the Rock of Ages, the living Stone which the builders rejected. Those who disbelieve (v. 7) are the ones who are disobedient to what God tells us is right, so they were appointed to doom. The doom is put forth to them.

Those who come to God, believe that Jesus took their death for them, and receive His life in His Holy Spirit, are also appointed, to a Kingdom, to inherit with King Jesus (Luke 22:29); and also appointed to suffer as Christians, to be set up for afflictions (I Thessalonians 3:3). 

Also Mankind is appointed to die once, then face judgment; this death is reserved for each of us (Hebrews 9:27). 

These are all different but related Greek words to bring out the nuances of meaning, so we can understand what God is saying to us. 

So have some people been appointed to doom while others are appointed to rule a kingdom? Is God playing favorites here? Picking out some for good, and picking on others to punish them? 

I have thought and prayed on this, and wrestled with this concept. 

Now I think that God may choose individual people, but I think He chooses to put individual people into which camp, according to the individual's willingness to come to God or reject Him. He will not force Himself on anyone. But God is sovereign, and is not dependent on our will. 

He chose before He created to have some become His own children through believing Him and trusting His Son, and some who refuse Him to be accountable for their sins and suffering doom. Whether He places individual people into these camps or whether He allows us to choose for ourselves which camp to be in, is His prerogative. 

He has given us choice. We are free to choose to do whatever we want, but we are not free to choose the consequences of our choices. Therefore, it is to our advantage to consider the consequences before we make our choices. 

O my Father God, Your ways are so far above my ways, I seem to have no comprehension of what You are doing sometimes. I can only trust You, because I know that You are good, and everything You do is righteous. 

Father, give me Your eyes to see Your ways. Give me Your understanding to comprehend Your great Plan of the Ages. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Perfected In Unity

John 17: 21, 23

That they all may be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.

I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the World may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me.

Jesus prayed this prayer as our High Priest, interceeding for us, revealing His desires for us. 

Here He is asking the Father to grant us, His church, a unity, a oneness of agreement that is extraordinary, so much so that the World will see it and have to acknowledge Jesus. 

O my Father, You do care about this whole World of men and women. Jesus prayed for the whole World to believe and know.

I know from Your Word that You have not chosen to redeem every person in thus mileu, this stream of Time from Eternity past to Eternity future; but You do want them all to recognize the unity of the Godhead, and our unity in You as Your chosen out of the World.

So I suppose that You want to verify to those of the World their personal rebellion and worthiness of the wrath You will pour out on them.

Father, grant me to see with Your eyes, that I may "understand the times, with knowledge of what [America] should do" (I Chronicles 12:32). 

Continue to wake up Your church, Lord, along with all those patriots who love America. Enable us to return to Your righteous ways that prompted You to bless this Nation in the past above all the other Nations. Please show us how to return to the greatness You want for us, before the end.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Scepter Of Wickedness

Psalm 125: 3

For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the land of the righteous ...

This Psalm is a "Song of Ascents," which was sung by the people as they ascended the mount where the Temple stood. They sang on their way to worship. 

They sang that the "scepter of wickedness," the kingly rule over the land that would make decrees against the Lord's Law, would not "rest" there permanently.

So that the righteous will not put forth their hands to do wrong.

When the laws of the land allow for license to do things that are not right, then even righteous people will tend to look at what's legal rather than what's right, and end up doing wrong. 

O my Father, I pray for the peace of Your city, Jerusalem! I pray that the rulership of evil men who desire to take over Your holy city to defile it would never take any hold there upon that place, but only transiently pass through briefly, if at all; that Your Name, that You have set there, may be settled and rest in that land in peace. 

O my Lord, I desire to see Your glory there, in Jerusalem, the center of the World, where You shall reign. One day, the Day will come, when I shall see with my own eyes, Your beautiful dwelling that You have chosen on this Earth. 

Please allow Your protection to be upon that land, that it not ever be handed over to Your enemies! Allow this city to have the glory and standing it once had under King David and King Solomon, and more! Let the beauty of Your dwelling place shine through!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Fixed Our Hope

I Timothy 4: 10

... We have fixed our hope on the living God, Who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers. 

Our good, good Father has made provision for all men, all mankind, so His offer is to everybody. No one is excluded from the availability of His great Salvation, except those who exclude themselves, by choosing their own ways in opposition to His way.

His gifts of repentance and faith and regeneration are for those who have been chosen before He laid the foundation of this World. Those who have been called, therefore have chosen to humble themselves before Him, receiving His gracious, generous Redemption. 

I John 2:2

And He Himself is the propitiation [full satisfaction] for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole World.

The Blood Jesus shed on the Cross of Calvary was God's own Blood, with endless value, more than enough to pay for all the sins of every person who ever lived. Indeed, Jesus didn't just die for certain sins, He took upon Himself humanity itself, so that He could "become sin," bear the sinful aspect of our human nature.  That is the wellspring from which come all sins, from the slightest thought to the grossest overt evil done. He took the whole basket, which includes everything in it: all the sins everyone has ever sinned. 

Jesus fulfilled the first Sacrifice God wanted the Levites to teach the people, the Personal Sacrifice, in the first Chapter of the book of Leviticus. He died for each of us individually, taking our place in death, to save us and give us His life. 

He also fulfilled the Corporate Sacrifice, for the whole Nation, to purchase the whole World as His own possession, which makes Him our rightful Judge. 

So those who consider themselves one of many He died for are still under judgment. Those who know He took their place in death, individually, are the ones born into God's own Family, and will one Day receive Resurrection bodies like His. 

God is not willing that any should perish, though, and desires for all to come to the repentance of admitting they deserve death for their sins, and let Jesus take their place on the Cross. 

If you don't yet believe that, then I would tell you to ask God for saving faith to believe Him. Then you will receive His Holy Spirit of Truth to teach you to discern between Truth and deception. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Doing Business

Proverbs 27: 23-24

Know well the condition of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds; for riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to all generations.

So how would this apply to us today? Flocks? Herds? Crown?

The principle here is that we need to know well the business or profession from which we derive our income. Our job. 

Sometimes someone may think that they've made it, that they have what they need now, and they can take off on a permanent vacation. 

But "riches are not forever," whatever finances you have can dry up, the economy can collapse, your money can become worthless. 

And "a crown" can refer to position and authority. Even if someone has the authority of a king, don't trust the rest of your life on it. 

Always pay attention to the responsibilities you have in your financial doings, and don't neglect your business. Sheep and cattle were not paper monies that would fluctuate in buying power, they were food and clothing--our basic needs. 

Proverbs 14: 4

Where no oxen are, the crib is clean; but much increase is by the strength of the ox.

If you don't want to work, you don't have to have any responsibilities; but when you are working industriously, there will be good income and prosperity.

Proverbs 16: 11; 20: 10

A just balance and scales are the Lord's; all the weights in the bag are His work.

Diverse weights and diverse measures, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.

Any dishonesty in business will short-circuit whatever prosperity would have come, and the income will come with problems and sorrow.

Ecclesiastes 7: 18; 11: 6

It is good that you should take hold of this, and from that withhold not your hand, for the one who fears God shall come out from both of them.

In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good.

This is one way wealthy people get that way, with multiple streams of income. This and that, several ways to make an income, will cover any losses and may all bring a profit. Like wisely diversifying your stock portfolio. Or selling several kinds of products. Who knows what will take off and what will fizzle. 

These are a few of the principles of doing business God has given us to cooperate with how He designed the World to work: 

If you want to be successful, you need to know what you have and how to work with it; 

Be willing to work industriously and apply yourself to your work; and 

Always be ethical in your dealings, never dishonest. 

I've found that I will get out of something commensurate with what I am willing to put into it. If I want to be lazy, I can't expect to make any headway; but when I apply myself, I can look to God for His blessings in it. 

O my Father, please teach me how to do whatever endeavor You lead me to do: show me my possessions, my abilities, my talents, my resources. Help me to know what I have and how to work with it all. 

You have been so generous with me, Father; please show me how to consistently use everything You have given me to show others your Love by helping them in practical ways, and thereby benefit and grow Your Kingdom.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Enlarge My Heart

Psalm 119: 32

I shall run the way of Thy commandments, for thou wilt enlarge my heart. 

What does it mean to "enlarge my heart"? And how would running in the "way of Thy commandments" accomplish this?

God's commandments are based on God's love for us, and they tell us how to do well so we can enjoy the benefits He put into this Earth for us. 

When we learn to cooperate with the mechanisms of how the World operates, it's like when we buy a new car and it comes with the "Owner"s Manual" on how to take care of and operate the automobile. When we refer to it to use the correct fuel and put the recommended air pressure in the tires, then we're obeying the manufacturer's instructions. And the auto will give us many years of faithful service.

We need to see God's Word as our Manufacturer's Instructions: to know them and to understand the underlying principles to be able to apply them to every situation we face in life. "Run(ing) in the way of Thy commandments" is obeying His rules and regulations that govern the World. 

So how would this "enlarge my heart"?

Since God's Love gave us His instructions, Love will enable us to follow them (Matthew 22:37-40): we will love God and want to obey Him, and we will love what He loves, ourselves and other people. This is how our hearts will be "enlarged." 

We will go beyond our own little circles of ourselves and our families and friends, and open our affections to ever-widening circles. Our hearts will grow bigger and bigger to envelop more and more recipients of our love. We will care for how people are suffering, and want to help them anyway we can. 

O my Father, I pray that You would enlarge my heart; a heart that has been so cold to ignore the neediness of the poor. 

Enlarge my heart to have compassion on those who have needs I can help meet. Open my eyes to the abundant resources You have given me so I can run confidently in the way of Your Commandments in doing what I can to help. 

Let me not put off doing what I can, help me to not procrastinate, not put off until later what I can do today.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Open A Door

Colossians 4: 3-4

Pray for [me] as well, that God may open to [me] a door for the Word, so that [I] may speak forth the mystery of Christ ... in order that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak. 

O my Father, I pray that You may open a door to me for Your Word, so that I may speak forth the mystery of Christ clearly, the way I ought to speak. Lead and guide me, Father, as I turn this corner in my life. 

I am excited to be beginning this new chapter of my life story, to serve You whole-heartedly, and go where You send, to do the work You have prepared me to be able to do. 

Please, my Father, continue to work on me and in me so that You will also work through me to accomplish Your Purposes according to Your Plan of the Ages. 

Father, lead me to some of those lost sheep that need direction to Your fold, and allow me to share with others Your beautiful Truth of Your immense Love for them undergirding the glorious Gospel of Salvation. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Our Footsteps

Psalm 119: 133

Establish my footsteps in Thy word, and do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.

O my Father, I praise You and I thank You for Who You are! You are El Shaddai, our God Almighty! Your Word shows us Your ways, and Your faithfulness assures us that we can fully trust Your Word to be True and Accurate and Practical for our everyday lives today. 

O Father, my prayer is: Teach me Your principles, guide my steps in Your paths; that I may live my life each day according to Your ways; that I may see with Your eyes, hear with Your ears, and perceive with Your understanding. 

Then all my ways will be pleasing to You, and no iniquity, no wrong way, will take hold of me. And I will not drift away or fall into any evil habit or addiction.

O my Father, hold my hand by Your Word; lead, guide, and direct me in the path You have set my feet upon, that my every step, every moment, every day, would be confidently taken in Your path; to fulfill Your purposes according to Your Plan.

Here I am, Lord, send me!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Strengthen The Weak And Feeble

Hebrews 12: 12-13

Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed.

O my Father, You have granted so great a cloud of witnesses to observe our walk (Hebrews 12:1, referring to all of Chapter 11); strengthen us that we may be able to strengthen one another, to hold up one another in our weaknesses to encourage and build them up in the knowledge of Your Word. 

Grant that we may seek You with all of our hearts, and grow mature in Your wisdom and discernment. Fill our hearts and minds with Your peace in the midst of the storms of this life, knowing that we will come through to the other side stronger, brighter, holier and joyful. 

Help us, Father, to help one another, that the limb that is lame may not be rejected and put out of joint, but rather to be cleansed, bound up, cared for, and healed. 

Grant us unity, Father, as our Lord Jesus prayed (in John 17:11), and keep each one of us in Your strong, gentle hand. Lead and guide us along the path You have placed each of our feet upon, to accomplish Your Purposes in our World. 

And You will receive all the glory, all the honor, all the credit for all You have done in Your church and in this World.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

His Lovingkindness

Psalm 118: 1, 29

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; 

For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

O my Father, You alone are good! Your lovingkindness is forever! You are the One Who has done all things! You have accomplished all You wanted to do, and You have finished well! You have completed and finished Your whole Plan of the Ages and fulfilled all Your purposes! 

All things are Yours, sovereign Lord, and You have done what You will with us all. You have chosen those You chose and have cleansed and shaped and molded them as You wish. And Your great wrath and vengeance has been unleashed to accomplish Your perfect justice on the wicked, those who have refused Your gracious Salvation.

Not one detail has escaped Your attention, down to the very molecules and atoms; and the planets and stars are all guided by Your hand. You have done all things well, Father, and all the credit, all the glory, all the honor is Yours alone, forever!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!