
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Elders And Discipline

I Timothy 5: 17-25

Now Paul has returned to the subject of elders, the pastors and bishops in the local congregations.

(17) The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.

The pastors who do a good job at supervising the work of the local congregation are to be considered as deserving double pay. This word refers to a price paid for something.

If this means to double their paychecks, then to apply this again would double it again! So it probably means that their respect and admiration would be increased. And an extra honorarium could be given from time to time.

(18) For the Scripture says:
"You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing" (Deuteronomy 25: 4),
"The laborer is worthy of his wages" (Luke 10: 7).

The Old Testament quote is from a list of general laws, referring to allowing domestic animals to be able to enjoy the results of the work they do, with an application also to human workers, to partake of the benefits of their labors.

And if Paul is quoting Jesus' words as Scripture also, then this may be the earliest instance of the Lord's words being quoted as "Scripture."

(19) Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses.

This is a serious matter, and Paul goes back to the principal given in the Law (Deuteronomy 19: 15; 17: 6) to not entertain any charge against any man, but especially one who has authority in the church, unless there are at least two, or even three who can personally witness to the error or wrongdoing.

(20) Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning.

This is a process of encouragement to repent and forsake the sin, that brothers and sisters in Christ have been given responsibility for over one another (Matthew 18: 15-17).

Here Paul is dealing with the pastoral team in a local congregation, when one who is in authority in the church has fallen into error. So the pastor or deacon is to be approached individually first, then with the two or three witnesses; and if he turns around and repents and forsakes the sin, then all is good. But if he is stubborn and refuses to listen and consider, then he must be reprimanded in front of the whole pastoral staff of the local church, so that they also will be on their guard against the error or failing in their responsibility to be an example to the flock. The pastoral team are the ones charged to be this example.

I have seen this principal applied at the local church I was a member of. But this pastor was rebuked before the whole congregation. This man did repent and turn around the situation, but he was so humiliated publicly that he left that congregation in disgrace, and had to find another local church and start over.

(21) I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality.

This is a very serious and important matter to be carefully and wisely applied. There must not be any application of any discipline that would be too lax or too stringent. We must carefully apply the Word as a scalpel, to cut only what needs to be cut, and not a sharp sword swung carelessly about.

(22) Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.

This laying on of hands would apply to ordination to a position of authority in the church, as the one who ordains another puts himself into a measure of surety for this person's character, and so would be implicated in any sins or errors the man is likely to commit. Therefore, someone who is being considered for ordination should be the subject of inquiry into his character and faith.

And here is also the admonition for Timothy to keep himself personally free from error or heresy or personal wrongdoing.

(23) No longer drink water exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.

Timothy apparently had a weak stamina, as indicated by his frequent illnesses, so Paul recommended that he use a little of the fermented wine in the area he was in as a medicinal measure because it contained the probiotic he needed for his digestion. He was telling him to "take his vitamins and supplements"!

(24) The sins of some men are quite evident, going before them to judgment; for others, their sins follow after.

When someone becomes a candidate for ordination, some are obviously not suited for leadership in the church, and others' shortcomings will come out with the Background Check done to research their character.

(25) Likewise also, deeds that are good are quite evident, and those which are otherwise cannot be concealed.

On the other hand, a person's good character will also be evident, and the same Background Check will prove that their good deeds reveal their heart for the Lord and for His people.

In any case, the Background Check is necessary today before anyone can be trusted to have any authority in the church, especially to work with the children.

O my Father, there are so many "out there" who claim to be Yours, and only want to take advantage of Your flock. Please help our church leaders to be wise and discerning in choosing who they will trust to pastor Your church, or to teach or minister to Your people, or to work with the little ones.

My Father, every one of Your chosen and redeemed is precious. Father, every member of the whole human race is worth rescuing and saving. Even though none of us deserves Your grace. If we could deserve it, it wouldn't be grace!

O Father, please keep Your church pure and straight, to present Your gospel in truth and compassion, and to tell every living person about how much You love them and want them to be rescued, too. Father, give everyone enough understanding to turn to You when they feel the need for help, and not get sucked into the seductive deception that is coming on the whole world.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come swiftly, Lord Jesus!

Monday, June 29, 2020

Care For Widows

I Timothy 5: 1-16

(1) Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers, 
(2) the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters, in all purity. 

All four of these groups need to be treated with utmost respect. The older men and women are to be treated as their own parents, and the younger as siblings in their own family, with the extra admonition for the young women. 

(3) Honor widows who are widows indeed; 

This would be a widow who doesn't have any means of support. 

(4) but if any widow has children or grandchildren, they must first learn to practice piety in regard to their own family and to make some return to their parents; for this is acceptable in the sight of God. 

Natural families are to care for one another in the family. Especially so when the whole family is Christian. 

(5) Now she who is a widow indeed and who has been left alone, has fixed her hope on God and continues in entreaties and prayers night and day. 

I am reminded of Anna, the 87 year old widow who regularly went to the Temple, fasting and praying (Luke 2: 37). As a widow, I don't need to go to the church building to learn of God and His provision, I have my own Bible. 

(6) But she who gives herself to wanton pleasure is dead even while she lives. 

A woman who only pursues worldly means of meeting her needs is denying the spiritual life that should be in her as a Christian, and may only have a religion instead of the relationship God wants with us all, and is therefore spiritually dead. 

(7) Prescribe these things as well, so that they may be above reproach. 

As a doctor prescribes the medication, Timothy as the pastor is to command that these standards be upheld in order to protect the congregation from blame. 

(8) But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 

Church members who have older family members need to consider how their parents sacrificed to raise them to adulthood; now the adult children are to return the courtesy and show their appreciation for their parents by helping them in their needs now that they are older. This is only right. 

(9) A widow is to be put on the list only if she is not less than sixty years old, having been the wife of one man, 
(10) having a reputation for good works; and if she has brought up children, if she has shown hospitality to strangers, if she has washed the saints' feet, if she has assisted those in distress, and if she has devoted herself to every good work. 

Here are the requirements for a widow to be enrolled onto the list of those the church will take care of. The wife of one man is the same construction as the stipulation for the elder and the deacon (3: 2 and 3: 12); she is to have been a faithful wife to her husband. Only scholars with a strong ascetic or ecclesiastical bias would insist that this means "only married once." Verse 14 shows that widows were not forbidden to remarry. 

Several tasks of generosity and humility in serving are listed here showing the desired and expected general attitude and lifestyle of a Christian woman in that culture. It ends with noting that she is generally a helper, not a troublemaker. 

(11) But refuse to put younger widows on the list, for when they feel sensual desires in disregard for Christ, they want to get married, 
(12) thus incurring condemnation, because they have set aside their previous pledge. 

If a younger widow desires to be put on this list, she would be pledging herself to the Lord in never marrying again, which would be a foolish promise, not realizing that in her youthfulness she would more naturally desire to marry another husband and have a family. This would break her promise to the Lord. 

(13) At the same time they learn to be idle, as they go around from house to house; and not merely idle, but also gossips and busybodies, talking about things not proper to mention. 

These women would likely end up not knowing what to do with their days, and "idleness is the devil's workshop." Having been deprived of purpose, they can become gossips and busybodies, getting into everyone else's business. 

(14) Therefore, I want younger widows to get married, bear children, keep house, and give the enemy no occasion for reproach; 
(15) for some have already turned aside to follow Satan. 

The younger women need purpose, so should seek to have another family or to serve in some specific capacity, to keep busy and not fall into the habits of boredom, as evidently some already had in that congregation. 

(16) If any woman who is a believer has dependent widows, she must assist them and the church must not be burdened, so that it may assist those who are widows indeed. 

This family responsibility to care for the elderly parents or grandparents falls not only on the sons and grandsons, but also on their daughters and granddaughters. Family is family, and in Christ there is no more male or female (Galatians 3: 28). Different roles to play are assigned, but responsibilities are carried by all. 

O my Father, please help us to be able to care for our own families. Give us the family love that we need to have to find ways to help one another of our family members. And then we will see how we can help our church family members, also. 

My Father, You have already met all of our needs, and so many of Your blessings have human finger prints all over them! You love to use us to help one another, and You will give one more than she needs so she can share it with another. 

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus! 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Temporal And Spiritual Self-Discipline

I Timothy 4: 6-16

Paul has written about godliness, then about ungodliness. Now he is charging Timothy to teach these things to his congregation.

(6) In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus,

Teaching these things will show Timothy to be a good servant of our Lord. The word for servant here is diakonos, usually translated as "minister." This is the aim of every good pastor.

Using the order of "Christ Jesus," Paul is claiming that Jesus is our Lord God Almighty. When he previously used the order of "Jesus Christ," he was noting that Jesus is our anointed Savior, Messiah and Redeemer.

consistently nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following.

Studying God's word every day will give us the spiritual nourishment we need, just as eating every day nourishes our physical life. This word of God teaches us what we are to believe, the sound doctrine that Timothy has already been following.

(7) But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women.

Paul is not putting down elderly ladies here, he's only using the term, "old wives tales." He's saying that these are only worldly fables, that he doesn't need to pay any attention to.

On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness;

Paul tells Timothy to "train himself," the word is gymnaze, for "physical training;" Paul uses it here to demonstrate the spiritual and moral and doctrinal effort Timothy is to exert in order to grow in godliness.

(8) for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

He is comparing the physical to the spiritual training: physical is only beneficial for a short time, while we live here in this world. Spiritual godliness is beneficial right now in this world as well, and also for forever, the life to come.

(9) It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance.

Again we find this formula. This could apply either to the preceding statement or to the one following, or even to both.

(10) For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers.

We "labor" and we "strive." Labor is a word for toiling with effort, and to strive is to agonize as in an athletic competition. Both are strong words. We are to give the work of ministry all we have, all of our effort, to the last ounce.

Because of what Christ has done for us. He has come to pay the sin-debt of every person in our human race; but not everyone wants to accept this gift, so it is applied only to those who have humbled themselves in submission to God, letting Jesus take their death as the Lamb of God.

(11) Prescribe and teach these things.

As the pastor, Timothy is to command and teach all of these things, continually, in the present tense. To continue to fulfill his responsibilities to his congregation.

(12) Let no one look down on your your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.

The word for youth is neotes, "used of grown-up military age, extending to the 40th year." Timothy was probably about 30 years old, the age a young man would take a wife.

Timothy was to present the proper image of the Christian as a pattern for other believers to follow. This is an awesome responsibility that one accepts on entering the ministry. And since Christians all live in "glass houses," we all should take this to heart.

(13) Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and to teaching.

Timothy was not to just wait for Paul to show up to start doing all these things, but he was to be busy doing these three things:

The reading of Scripture. This was a practice of the Jewish synagogues that the churches also followed. Not everyone was literate or had copies of their own to read, as is the situation today. We now can read our Bibles every day on our own, but it is good to read it aloud at every service.

Preaching is exhorting the people to apply the Scriptures to their own thinking and attitudes, and obey what God is telling us to align our lives with His ways.

And the teaching is instruction in this Christian living, how to practically apply God's ways to our everyday living.

(14) Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, which was bestowed on you through prophetic utterance with the laying on of hands by the presbytery.

Paul doesn't want Timothy to be careless in his consideration of the spiritual gift God has given him. We're not told when this laying on of hands by the whole "body of elders," presbyterion, took place, but it may have been when Paul left him at Ephesus to be their pastor.

(15) Take pains with these things, be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all.

There is a play on words here that does not come through the translation to English. Paul's do not neglect in verse 14 is contrasted with take pains in this verse. What he is saying is, "Don't be careless about your gift, but be careful about your pastoral duties."

He is to be absorbed in them, focus wholly on his whole responsibility in the ministry. He can do this, not having a wife.

(16) Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching;

These are the two areas that are most critical. If there is a flaw in his personal life it will ruin him. While he is watching over others, he must keep an eye on himself, no matter how straight he may be in his doctrine or effective in his teaching. Many ministers have tragically failed here.

persevere in these things,

This is epimene, literally, "stay, remain" and figuratively, "here." Paul says, "Stay right there; keep in doing the things I have called your attention to."

for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.

By so doing, the pastor will ensure that he is really saved, and also his hearers.

It is a tragedy for a soul-winner to save others, but lose his own soul. To be saved but to draw no others into salvation is no less a tragedy.

We must give attention to both.

O my Father, please help all of your children to pay attention to these admonitions. Not all of us are pastors or Sunday School teachers. Most of us are just "ordinary" Christians. But these pastoral epistles are written to us, too, as part of Your Bible.

My Father, as Your children, we claim a higher calling, and the world is watching us to see if You really are real. Please help us to be strong in our witness to what our Lord has accomplished for and in us. We all are to share with others how You have loved us all, every one of us, sending Your own Son to save each of us.

O Father, help us to demonstrate to our neighbors and all the rest of the world how good You are and how strong You are in defending us and upholding us and strengthening us against all the trials and sorrows and troubles that assail us.

Father, let us show You to the world as we live in our glass houses, as we go about our business of life, interacting with others and conversing with strangers, potential friends.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over the whole Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come soon, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Doctrines Of Demons

I Timothy 4: 1-5

Paul has just laid out the mystery of godliness, now he will talk about anti-godliness to watch out for, and he wants Timothy to be aware and warn the congregation.

(1) But the Spirit explicitly says

There is no ambiguity in what God's Spirit is telling us here.

that in later times

We have been in "the latter days" since Jesus ascended and sent His Spirit to indwell the members of His church. This is not as strong a term as "in the last days" (II Timothy 3:1), so there has been the spirit of antichrist infiltrating the church from the beginning (I John 2: 18).

some will fall away from the faith,

To fall away is "to withdraw" or "abandon" the truth of our faith, "apostate."

paying attention of deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,

Their focus is diverted from the truth to seductive lies, teaching what demons want us to believe.

(2) by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron,

This is very strong language describing these false teachers. They are lying in hypocrisy, which implies that they are aware of what they are doing. This is one long word in the Greek: kekausteriasmenon, "branded with a red-hot iron." They have done this to themselves, having seared their own consciences so that they will be unfeeling about their own wrongdoings. They have branded themselves as the slaves of Satan.

(3) men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth.

These are examples of the doctrines of demons, of what they would do; and they did exactly this in the Dark Ages, when they called their ministers priests and forbade them the gift of marriage (which attracted men who didn't want to marry, anyway, hence the scandals), and also forbade the whole congregation to eat meat on Fridays. I know, I grew up under these prohibitions. My daddy left the Seminary because he knew he wanted to marry someday.

(4) For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude;

Peter had been given the vision in Acts 10: 9-16, that God had cleansed all foods to be eaten, and also by extension, all men, the Gentiles, to be able to be saved. Therefore, there are no more "unclean" foods, but some foods are more healthy than others, and today, there are some "foods" that don't even have any nutritional value at all (like Twinkies!). And some have even been genetically modified, adulterated, that result in monstrous genetic anomalies in the animals they have been "tested" on.

(5) for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. 

God's gifts that He has caused to grow on and appear in this Earth have been given to us to enrich us in everything we need in the world, for our benefit and His glory. And when we partake of or use any of it, whether it be animal, vegetable, or mineral, when we recognize that God has provided it and thank Him for it, then it is His blessing to us for this time.

O my Father, please protect us from the demonic commingling of the good foods and animals You have provided us for our benefit, that have been corrupted by men for monetary gain, and our destruction by our enemy. Father, these men are deceived, and some of them are deliberately so.

Father, deliver us from those who purport to be leaders or teachers in our churches. Their crime is even greater. Please give Your children the gracious discernment to call out any person who would foist him or herself on Your congregation, to lovingly and firmly call them out, and to exclude them from influencing Your flock.

My Father, I am praying for all those precious people who think they know You, or even love You, but do not yet know You. Please, Father, open their eyes and hearts to realize the truth of who You really are, and what You have accomplished for them in Your Son. That they may turn to you, and be rescued from these satanic teachers.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, our Lord God Almighty, the sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Mystery Of Godliness

I Timothy 3: 14-16

Paul has just listed all the qualifications that a leader in the church should possess before he or she is given authority in any position over the congregation.

(14) I am writing these things to you, hoping to come to you before long;

He wants them to know these things, even though he is planning to travel there to be with them.

(15) But in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God,

In the event that he would be delayed in coming, he is writing his letter to make sure they will not end up elevating the wrong person in the church in the meantime.

which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.

Paul says that the church is God's household, His family, which is to maintain and hold true to the Truth, holding it up to the world. This is our job.

(16) By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness:

He says that everyone agrees that what God has revealed to us, that we could know in no other way but His revealing it, is magnificent, who God is, our Lord God.

This mystery of godliness is the revealed secret of true religion, the mystery of Christianity, which is not a religion at all, but a relationship with God the Father through our Lord God Christ Jesus.

He who was revealed in the flesh.

He is the Son of God, who was born into our human race of flesh.

Was vindicated in the Spirit,

Jesus was "justified," declared to be just, by the Holy Spirit in His miracles, culminating in His Resurrection from the dead.

Seen by angels,

Angels watched this amazing wonder, as Jesus walked this Earth, and watched over and ministered to Him (Matthew 4: 11; Luke 22: 43).

Proclaimed among the nations,

What was preached after His death and Resurrection was not a theory or even a creed, but a Person. Paul declared, "We preach Christ" (I Corinthians 1: 23).

Believed on in the world,

This is the result of the previous statement, the preaching produces faith on the part of people all over the world, and still does promote belief in the Truth that is preached among all the nations of the world.

Taken up in glory. 

This verb, analambano, is used of Christ's ascension in Acts 1: 2. This is the climax of His Earthly ministry. Preaching Christ means preaching His life, death, resurrection and ascension as the glorified Lord God Almighty.

O my Father, You have given to Your Son the Lordship over Your creation, from before You made it. You thought it up, planned it out and designed it all to fulfill Your purposes. Then You made it by Your Word, Your Son, Your doing; all in the life, light and power of Your Holy Spirit.

Three separate functions, three Persons, all One God! O Father, You are so magnificent! Your wisdom and knowledge and planning and cleverness and imagination totally surpass my puny understanding! But then I have the "mind of Christ" to perceive all these character traits You have!

Father, send out all Your children to preach and proclaim this Truth of Christ to the whole world! Everybody, every living person, needs to hear and realize how much You have loved them, sending Your own Son to take their debt of sin so they can be royal children of the King!

O Father, please let everyone hear the story of Salvation so they can be Redeemed and live with You forever!

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come soon, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

And Deacons Too

I Timothy 3: 8-13

Paul has just given an extensive list of qualifications for the elders and overseers of the congregation, now he will discuss the next office, deacons.

We find the first prototype of this in Acts 6: 2, when the apostles appoint men who will tend to the material needs of the church, while the apostles devote their time to the spiritual needs of the people.

(8) Deacons likewise

Deacons are diakonos, "servants," and are likewise to have similar qualifications to the pastors and overseers.

Now we'll see the specific character traits these men must have to serve.

must be men of dignity,

These men also must be "worthy of respect," using the word semnos. No English word exactly conveys the meaning of this Greek word, as it combines the thoughts of both gravity and dignity, both of seriousness of purpose and self-respect in conduct. I see this as the royal attitude of God's children.

not double-tongued,

This is saying one thing to one person, and something else to someone else. Two-faced, insincere. Very detrimental to the life of the church.

or addicted to much wine

The same term used for the elders. Same standard.

or fond of sordid gain,

Not looking for how to make a buck, not focused on monetary remuneration, nor willing to do whatever is necessary to supplement their income. This is greed.

(9) but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.

Here is the good conscience again. Without a conscience that has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus and kept pure over time, it is very difficult to hold to the Truth of what we believe without slipping, the mystery of the faith that God has revealed in the Gospel.

(10) These men must also first be tested;

This Greek verb, dokimazo, has three stages: (1) test, (2) prove by testing, (3) approve as the result of testing. All three are most likely in mind here. Paul says that before men were to be accepted as deacons they had to prove themselves before the community.

then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach.

Then they could serve in the position of deacons, if they are found to be irreproachable (anenkletos, "not called to account"). If they passed the test.

(11) Women must likewise

These women could be either the wives of the deacons, or, later, other single women who served as deaconesses. Either way, they also were required to measure up.

be dignified,

Here is the royal child of God attitude and demeanor again.

not malicious gossips,

This is diabolos, "slanderous, accusing falsely," "slanderers." This word with the definite article is translated "the devil" thirty-five times in the New Testament, and is what Judas is called in John 6: 70.

This is a very serious warning that is still needed in the church today. Gossip has continually been a problem even in God's church in every generation. It's so easy to want to pass along a juicy tidbit, when we are neither part of the problem nor part of the solution being discussed. This bad habit can destroy a congregation.

but temperate,

Instead, the women should also have the same temperance as the men, this is not a character quality that has any gender limits.

faithful in all things.

This is a comprehensive requirement. Church workers must not be negligent in any of their duties, whether in their service for the Lord, their work in the church or even in their homes and secular jobs they may hold.

(12) Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households.

This is the same standard as the elders and overseers.

(13) For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing

This high standing or rank that these faithful workers are gaining for themselves now would mean great respect in the eyes of the church, and also in God's sight.

and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

This is great assurance in trusting that what they believe is the true faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, and is a precious joyousness and confidence in our Lord. It is a proving that what God has promised, He will deliver and fulfill.

O my Father, those of your children who have been given so much to share, will be accountable for all You have entrusted to them, and they will also receive rewards for all that they have faithfully ministered and administered (Luke 12: 48 and II Chronicles 15:7).

O Father, strengthen all of Your children to do the work of a royal child of the King, to accept the authority given to us and to discharge all of our duties and responsibilities in faithfulness and diligence. Help us all to keep our witness pure and to have the boldness of confidence in the trustworthiness of Your message of love for the whole world.

Father, I really appreciate that You are perfect! You are our Source and our Standard. Everything we need You have already given us, and every judgment we need to make in our daily lives, we have You to measure our decision by. WWJD.

My Father, please send us out as Your messengers, Your missionaries; send all of us out into the world, so that every living person will be able to hear and understand and discern enough of Your Truth to seek You, and to receive the gracious and generous gift of Salvation that You offer to the human race, to be Your children, to be washed in the blood of the Lamb, and be Redeemed into Your Kingdom.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Pastors And Elders

I Timothy 3: 1-7

Paul continues to the qualifications for a pastor or leading official in the local church. (See also Titus 1: 6-9 for a similar list.) 

(1) It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do.

It can be depended on to say that one who wants to be a pastor is looking for a very important ministry with heavy responsibility.

Therefore, there must be stringent qualifications he must meet.

(2) An overseer, then,

The term overseer refers to the office of a pastor, elder or bishop; one who "oversees" or takes care of the congregation.

must be above reproach,

This is one word in the Greek, the double compound, anepilemptos, literally meaning, "not to be laid hold of." He must be a person against whom it is impossible to bring any charge of wrongdoing that could withstand impartial examination.

Because this quality appears first in the list, it is to be assumed that it applies to the rest of the list, that he would be immune to criticism in failing to live out any one of these qualities.

the husband of one wife,

Back in 1899 J. H. Bernard emphatically wrote of this phrase, "It excludes from ecclesiastical position those who have been married more than once" (The Pastoral Epistles, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 52).

This view has been used to prevent many of God's gifted teachers from seeking a position where they could edify the church with their gifts. This is sad. Because most commentators agree that it refers to monogamy--only one wife at a time. With eyes only for his wife, no roaming eyes. This epistle was to the church in Ephesus, that was in a society that promoted polygamy: many wives, and always looking out for the next one.

The church today has the same problem. My own late husband, in his studies, wrote a scholarly paper on this very concept, and came to this same conclusion. yet was denied a recommendation to the pastorate because he was divorced and married to me before he became a Christian, so he went instead into business.

At his funeral, his favorite professor who became his friend, who holds a Doctorate, stated that he was a theologian, after having corresponded back and forth with him for several years.

So the church at large was deprived of his insights, as he shared with only a few individuals. I wonder how many other men have declined to fight their way into the ministry against this prevailing attitude, and settled for something else instead. This is sad.


This word is nephalios, which means, "not mixed with wine," and came to have a broader sense of temperate, or "sober."


The word used here is sophronos, which means, "of sound mind," and has been translated as "self-controlled" or "sober-minded."


The word Paul uses here is kosmios, the same word he used in 2: 9, which means "with modesty," translated there as "modestly." The basic meaning of the word is "orderly." Greek writers used it in the sense of respectable or "honorable," which fits well here.


This word, philoxenos (found also in Titus 1: 8 and in I Peter 4:9), literally means "loving strangers." Christians traveling in the first century often wished to avoid the public inns with their pagan atmosphere and food that had already been offered to idols (see I Corinthians 8), so they would seek out a Christian home in which to stay for the night. A valuable result of this was that believers from widely scattered areas would get to know each other, thus cementing lines of fellowship. So hospitality was an important Christian virtue in that day.

And it still has its place in our hotel-motel age. A new-in-town believer at my church came to stay in my guest room, and now we are fast friends.

able to teach,

This is not only a readiness to teach, but "the spiritual power to do so as the outcome of prayerful meditation in [musing on] the word of God and the practical application of its truth to oneself" (W. E. Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, 4 volumes, Westwood, N. J.: Revell, 1940; page 51).

I daily spend time in thought, musing on the concepts presented in Scripture, connecting the dots, acquiring a bigger picture, seeing all the parts in view in their places in God's great Plan of the Ages. When I can see several of the pieces in close places in the puzzle, it is not hard to fill in some of the empty spots in between, or to marvel at God's mystery not yet revealed!

And He has used His word to change me in several ways at different times in my life journey, changing my attitudes, which changed how I thought about and lived my life.

(3) not addicted to wine

This is paroinos, "beside wine," "lingering with the cup." Aristotle's use of this word suggests that it meant "tipsy" or "rowdy." It is closely associated with the next term.

or pugnacious,

This is two words, me plekten, "not a striker." One given to wine is apt to become involved in drunken brawls. It is sad that Paul needed to put this warning here, both for his immediate readers and also today.

but gentle,

Instead, he needs to be epieikes: gracious, kindly, forbearing, considerate, magnanimous, genial; just generally having a "sweet reasonableness." 


This is amachos, literally, "abstaining from fighting" or "non-combatant." Here it is used in the sense of "not quarrelsome or contentious." Not one to pick a fight or be argumentative.

free from the love of money.

All one word, aphilargyros. This is one of the greatest dangers to every Christian worker. All opportunities in either secular work or in the ministry itself to acquire big money, if taken will, in fact, cause a diversion from effective service to the Lord in the growth of His Kingdom, instead building a personal kingdom in this world.

(4) He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity
(5) (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?),

This is common sense. If a man cannot discipline his own children in such a manner that they want to obey him and be respectful, then he won't be able to lead the congregation, either.

It is so sad today that many pastors have considered their ministry above their families, and have therefore lost their wives and children. They don't understand that their personal relationship with God does come first, but after that should be their wives and children, then their ministry and work for the Lord.

(6) and not a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil.

The condemnation of the devil is pride. To elevate a new Christian to such authority is to subject him to too much adulation from an appreciative congregation, which would tend to swell his head and puff him up.

(7) And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

Paul insists that each pastor must have a good testimony from those outside the church. When a leader in the church has a bad reputation in the community, it often brings irreparable damage to the local congregation and even to the entire cause of Christ in that area.

His good reputation will help to protect him from falling into the snare of the devil, the trap the enemy wants to entangle him in.

Paul's careful concern for the right choice of leaders in the church, and the extensive qualifications listed here, should serve as guidelines for those who are charged with the responsibility of such selection today. Attention at this point could save much grief.

O my Father, please be with your church today with such a close connection that we would choose Your choice for our pastors and other church leaders. Help us to care for Your flock as Your under-shepherds, to feed and nurture them, and not fleece them.

Father, Your church is Your people, Your children. Teach us all to value each one as You do, and to love one another as You have loved us. Help us to help one another to learn more about who You are, and what You have done for us, and what You are going to do for us for our benefit and Your glory.

Send us out, Father, into all the world to grow Your family out of every nation, every tribe, every family, and every language and dialect. Enable us to broadcast Your word to every living person, and give them the understanding to discern as much of Your Truth as they need to make a fully informed decision to seek You and accept Your gracious and generous gift.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, please come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A Woman's Role

I Timothy 2: 9-15

Paul is giving Timothy guidelines for how he is to pastor this congregation in Ephesus, and now he's tackling the thorny subject of women.

(9) Likewise

This refers to the last section on public prayer, that applies equally to both men and women.

I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,

In addition, he is concerned about the way some of the Christian women were displaying their bodies. He tells them to consider what they're wearing, that their clothing would not draw attention to their female attributes, as a street-walker would. The purpose of clothing is to cover, not display (Genesis 3: 7, 21).

(10) but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.

Instead of accentuating their bodies, as women claiming to be Christians, the focus should be on the practical acts that display the spiritual fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23).

(11) A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.

Paul tells the Corinthian church that the women should not interrupt the service, but if they have questions they are to ask their husbands at home, listening to them rather than arguing with them. It looks like he is giving the same advice to Timothy here, "as in all the churches" (I Corinthians 7: 17; 14: 33; 16: 1; II Corinthians 11: 28).

When Paul writes, he is writing for "all the churches" of all time; in other words, the Universal Church. That's why God put these of his letters into Holy Scripture. Not all of his letters have this honor, but these do.

We need to take care that we are not offended by God's order of authority, because our culture grants "more" freedom than Paul seems to be giving here.

(12) But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.

Here he is again, "putting down" women. But is he really? Paul's understanding of God's order of authority should be taken seriously by the churches today. He is not saying that a woman is inferior to a man in any way, but she is part of God's creation, and He is a God of order.

Some may accuse me, a woman, of violating this rule with this very blog. My defense is that I have been deprived of my own husband, who I did sit under before he died, and I am merely sharing what God has been teaching me. If there is a man who has put himself as sitting at my feet as his teacher, that is not my intent. I would rather he take what I have written and do his own research, as I claim no authority in myself, only what the Spirit is teaching me.

(13) For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.
(14) And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived fell into transgression.

Now Paul is looking at the order of creation and the Fall for authority in what he is commanding.

We read that the Lord God created Adam directly from the dust of the Earth and Eve from Adam's rib. And we notice that God gave his command to Adam, who then relayed it, second-hand to Eve.

That made Eve more susceptible to the serpent's guile. She didn't know what a lie was, and when she ate, she thought she was doing a good thing. If she could know for herself, she wouldn't have to "bother" God or anyone else.

We are not told why Adam ate. There is speculation, but there is no doubt he ate in full awareness of disobeying God's direct command.

So, Eve became a sinner, committing a personal sin. Adam's eating changed his DNA, to pass on this damaged gene to all of his progeny, the whole human race. This is what we call "original sin," or "the sinful nature," or "sinful flesh." Sin is "missing the mark" in not being perfect, and this broken DNA causes us all to have a bent toward sin.

That's why God told Eve that "her seed" would bring forth the Savior. We know enough about genetic traits to understand how some genes are passed by the father and other genes are passed by the mother, with the rest of the genes passed on by both. We get that damaged "sin gene" from our fathers. (Mary didn't have to be "sinless" to bear Jesus without sin, His father was God.)

(15) But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.

So, Paul's conclusion is that a woman's most noble role is to bear and raise the next generation of children. It has always been the wife and mother who sets the tone of family life in the home, and our children are our most precious resource, who will "carry the torch" after us in their segment of the "relay of life" in this world.

The word preserved is sozo, "saved," and is used throughout the New Testament for both physical and spiritual healing and salvation. Paul is saying here that a woman who is under the authority of her husband as well as, with everyone else, under her pastor, will tend to have good physical and psychological and mental and spiritual health. And we all are to "be subject to one another in the fear of Christ" (Ephesians 5: 21), so he's not "picking on" the feminine gender.

Paul was given authority by God to relay Divine standards to all of God's people who will need that guidance throughout the whole Church Age. We do well to pay attention to these standards, and not chafe against them because our culture does not understand them.

O my Father, please help us to understand Your order in everything You made. Your purposes for all of Your creation will be fulfilled, and You will reward us for promoting Your ways, both in Your church and in this world.

My Father, use us to demonstrate Your great love for all of us in showing how Your order brings peace and sweet fellowship to all of our relationships with one another.

O Father, send us out as Your messengers and missionaries to share Your great love with every living person in the world. Help everyone to have the awareness of You and Your ways to make informed choices when deciding the events of their lives, and to seek You for all the answers. Let them know that You are their Source of everything they need.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, our Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come swiftly, Lord Jesus!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Importance Of Prayer

I Timothy 2: 1-8

Paul had written this letter to Timothy after he had left him at Ephesus as the pastor of that important church to deal with false teachers who had been teaching heresy.

Now he is continuing to instruct him about his duties as pastor there.

(1) First of all, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made

The most important activity the pastor needs to lead the congregation in is prayer. There are four words used here for different kinds of prayers.

The first is deeseis, expressing the idea of a desire or need. This word is also translated as supplications and requests. We are to recognize and admit our dependence on God to meet our needs.

The next word is proseuche, a general word for prayer to God in worship, both privately and publicly. Here it is most likely oral prayer given openly during the service.

The third word enteuxis is used in the New Testament only in I Timothy here and in 4:5, and carries the idea of a conversation that presents a petition for another, intercession. We are to boldly approach the throne of God anticipating our Father's personal attention to pray for one another. Only one who genuinely communes with God in private conversation can edify others in his public prayers.

The fourth word is eucharistia, from which we get "eucharist," the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion. This ordinance of the church is always to be partaken of in great thanksgiving for all our Lord God has done for us in giving His body and blood for our Salvation and Redemption. All of our communication with God should be in the attitude of appreciating everything He has done for us, and this thanksgiving will strengthen our faith to believe that He will continue to meet all of our needs both now and in the future.

on behalf of all men,
(2) for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

Who we are to pray for is for all men, for everybody, every living person both saved and lost; and for kings and all who are in authority, for the leaders in our government, and the movers and shakers who determine how our culture and society will function. The reason is so that we can live our lives freely in a peaceful and quiet way, expressing God's good ways in the dignity of the value and worth God has put on us as His creation.

(3) This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,

These kinds of communication with God are good, "beautiful, excellent;" and acceptable, pleasing to the Lord God who is our Savior.

(4) who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

We are to pray for people to be saved; all people, including those in authority over us who affect how we live our daily lives.

God the Father sent God the Son to be our Savior, and His sacrifice had the worth to pay off all the debt owed to the Father by sin, all sin. Everyone can be saved, but not everyone will be saved. God wants us all, but He will not interfere with our choices. He wants us to want Him, but He won't force us. He doesn't want puppets, He wants sons and daughters. (See also John 3:16; II Corinthians 5: 14-15; and II Peter 3: 9.)

(5) For there is one God, and one Mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

One God only is the basic premise of both Judaism and Christianity. Then Christianity goes on to declare that there is one only Mediator between God and men, because the Son became the man Christ Jesus, the Anointed One.

The basic meaning for the Greek word mesites is "One who intervenes between two, either in order to make or restore peace and friendship, or to form a compact, or for ratifying a covenant."

This Greek word is found only once in the LXX (the Greek translation of the Old Testament). When Job was frustrated that God was not a man with whom he could converse, he concluded that, "There is no umpire between us, who may lay his hand upon us both" (Job 9: 33). Christ is the answer to this ancient cry for help.

A bridge over a chasm or a river must be anchored on both sides. Christ has bridged the chasm between Heaven and Earth that separated man from God. As the Son of God, He is anchored in Heaven; and as the Son of Man He is now also anchored on Earth. By His death as the sacrificial Lamb of God He has restored the harmony between God and man which human sin had broken. Only He could "lay His hand upon us both"!

His body of flesh is the veil that was torn from between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place (Hebrews 10: 20), permitting for us an unfettered way to directly approach The Throne of Grace. He is our only Mediator who accomplished this.

(6) who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time.

This is how He accomplished it. This Greek word for ransom is antilytron, which occurs only here in the New Testament. It means, "What is given in exchange for another as the price of his redemption," the ransom price paid to free a slave. Christ paid the ransom to free us from the slavery of sin. Now we are His possession, He owns us. Which makes Him our Judge. It also makes Him our Savior of those who accept His sacrifice on their behalf personally.

This message of the redemptive death of Christ was the distinctive apostolic witness, given at the proper time, "in its own appointed times." Christ's sacrifice for sin took place at God's appointed hour. The Twentieth Century New Testament translates the whole clause: "This is the fact to which we are to bear our testimony, as opportunities present themselves."

(7) For this I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying) as a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

Paul says that this is why God chose him, to give this witness with authority. He apparently gives this parenthetical disclaimer to answer those in Ephesus who were challenging his authority as an apostle.

To teach the true faith to the Gentiles was his special assignment from the Lord (Acts 9: 15), and the leaders of the church in Jerusalem agreed to that (Galatians 2: 9).

(8) Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension. 

Getting back to the matter of public worship, he wants all of the congregants, the people and the leaders, in every church location, to pray with holy hands, which refers to clean lives, committed to our Lord; leaving all anger and disputing and all of our differences behind us, when we pray together.

O my Father, please help us to look past whatever differences would mar our sweet communion together with You! All that really matters is that You have sent Your Son to be our Savior, and He has cleansed us and placed us into Your family. As royal children of the King, any differences we may have will mean nothing when we are Redeemed into our spirit bodies that will envelop our flesh (I Corinthians 15: 53-54).

My Father, help us to remember this, and to accept one another as brothers and sisters, letting the differences merely color our relationships, enjoying the variegated hues.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Good Conscience Or Shipwreck!

I Timothy 1: 18-20

Paul has written to Timothy to encourage him in confronting false teachers who have been disrupting the church in Ephesus.

(18) This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son,

He instructed him (the word is parangelia, "instruction, charge, command") as a beloved son in the Lord.

in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you,

There evidently were some predictions that were uttered over Timothy at either his ordination or his induction into missionary work.

that by them you fight the good fight,

These sayings were to encourage him to guide him to "war the good warfare" of good against evil in the spiritual realm.

(19) keeping faith and a good conscience,

Timothy will need to be sure to keep his faith genuine and to guard his conscience to not be bent or diluted.

which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith.

Paul was very concerned that he and his colleagues maintain a good conscience always, because of the serious consequences that would result from permitting any allowances or excuses.

He is pointing out some who have rejected this strict standard, and the result is comparable to a shipwreck regarding the corruption of their faith.

(20) Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander,

He even names two of these by name, so there would be no confusion as to who he is referring to.

whom I have handed over to Satan,

His handing these ringleaders over to Satan could refer to throwing them out of the church, as in I Corinthians 5: 1-5, where he tells those church leaders to remove the immoral man from their congregation.

so that they will be taught not to blaspheme.

The purpose of this excommunication is not merely to punish, but was intended to be a disciplinary or remedial measure in both instances.

The man in the Corinthian church was having an affair with his father's wife, and these teachers are teaching deceptive lies to damage the faith of the Ephesian church members. Both are very serious charges, that require stringent measures to remedy.

The Corinthian situation succeeded, as we see in II Corinthians 2: 5-11 that they were to recognize the man's repentance and comfort and forgive him, and welcome him back into the congregation.

Of these two, Hymenaeus is mentioned again in II Timothy 2: 16-18 as still having gone astray from the truth. There are two Alexanders in Scripture; one was a Jew (Acts 19: 34), the other is Alexander the metalworker, who Paul says did a great deal of harm in opposing their teaching (II Timothy 4: 14-15). This was probably the second Alexander, who still hadn't repented.

Paul emphasizes that maintaining a "good conscience" is essential in assuring that our faith remains pure and genuine. This is key. We cannot let any kind of wrong slide by, we are to be very careful about what we think about and approve of.

We certainly don't want our faith to be shipwrecked!

We need to make as sure as we can that our sense of what is right and what is wrong aligns with what God says is right and wrong. Our own feelings are not reliable, and most of us need to re-evaluate our values, because we tend to believe what we're taught as kids, which may not be according to God's truth.

I know I need to saturate my brain with God's word every day, in order to try to have my thinking straight. I know I'll not be perfect in this life, but I do want my conscience to be sound and clear.

O my Father, please teach us Your values, Your thoughts and Your attitudes concerning everything and everyone we encounter in our living every day. Help us to take especial care of what we say, as our words come of what our hearts are overflowing. Remind us to think before we open our mouth and dump out whatever may come, to put Your arm around our shoulder and Your hand over our mouth!

Father, teach us how to love one another as You have loved us! This is not natural to us, Father, we need Your Spirit to lead us. We are desperate to work Your ways into our thinking processes, and receive Your healing of our hearts and minds from all the error and biases and prejudices that have been lurking there.

Show us our hearts, my Father, to root out whatever is still there that conflicts with Your truth; that we might confess it and forsake it, turning to Your pure and righteous ways.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come swiftly, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Anyone Can Be Saved!

I Timothy 1: 12-17

Paul's amazement that God would choose him, as we left off yesterday's study, has brought on this thanksgiving.

(12) I thank Christ Jesus our Lord,

The word order of "Christ Jesus" is giving the Lord the title of "The Anointed One." The Son of God was anointed by the Father to be Lord over all creation.

The Lordship of Jesus finds increasing emphasis in Paul's later epistles. As he walks with God through the years, studying His word and serving Him, he is coming to a more full understanding that Jesus is our Lord, the Lord God of the Old Testament.

who has strengthened me,

The word used here is endynamosanti, and can be translated as, "who has empowered me." The Lord God has given Paul the power to serve Him.

because He considered me faithful, putting me into service,

Paul concludes that the Lord counted him to be faithful to his beliefs, and put him into His service, strengthening him to not being as susceptible to going astray from His Truth.

(13) even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor.

He admits that he used to be a terrorist against the church of Christ, violently attacking believers. He was to the extreme in passionately fighting against the God he thought he was serving.

Yet I was shown mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief;

Because he was not aware of what he was doing, God had mercy on him, and supernaturally turned him around instead of punishing him for what he had done.

(14) and the grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus.

It was more than mercy that Paul received from God. He declares, "The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus." This is another of the apostle's great trilogies. "Grace" provided his salvation, "faith" appropriated it, and "love" applied it.

This phrase, "was poured out on me abundantly" translates one word in the Greek, hyperepleonase, "exceedingly abounded." Paul is fond of compounds with hyper, "above." This one is found only here in the New Testament.

(15) It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance,

This is literally, "faithful the word" (pistos ho logos), "faithful word." This formula is used only in the pastoral epistles. Here and in 4: 9 we find the added words, "deserving full acceptance." This doubled statement emphasizes that the maxim relating to doctrine or practice demands heavy reliance on its truth.

that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,

This truth is the Good News, the heart of the gospel, that the Son of God came into this world to do the work that will save sinners. This is the "joy set before Him" that strengthened Him to "endure the cross" (Hebrews 12: 2), that we would be made fit to live with Him as He lived with us.

among whom I am foremost of all.

And Paul considered himself the worst sinner of all!

(16) Yet for this reason I found mercy, so that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life.

He's saying that if God could save Paul, the worst of all, how much more can anyone else be saved, who isn't even as bad as Paul was!

God created the human race to be His children. Not just His servants, but His personal, intimate family members. This is the highest honor that can possibly be bestowed upon a created being. That's why He is "not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance," admitting that they deserve crucifixion, letting Jesus take their place on the cross (II Peter 3: 9).

(17) Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

And Paul breaks out in spontaneous praise again, thinking and writing about God's wonder and grace and mercy. How He is the Great King, who will reign forever, never again subject to death, in Spirit in the spiritual realm, the only God that is God; that all honor and all glory and all credit will go to Him forevermore!

O my Father, You only are God over all. Everything and everyone else is Your creation, Your imagination. If You were not thinking of us, we would cease to exist! So You are always looking upon all You have made, loving it all, and working Your plan that You plotted out before You began to make it.

And all Your will will be worked out, using all the choices and decisions and actions of Your created ones who have the freedom of choice. Whether we choose the right or the wrong, You will use it to further Your story You wrote for us.

And You told us that story, Father! The Bible You gave us tells us the whole story of Mankind, from before its beginning to past the end of the whole human era. And even laid out the progress of the nations before they even came about (in Daniel). And how all of our choices bring consequences in our own lives and posterity, for good or bad.

O Father, teach us Your ways, so that our decisions will align with Your good intentions for us. Protect us from making choices that will detract from the bounty You placed here for us, and the relationships with one another that honor You.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, forever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come swiftly, Lord Jesus!