
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Nourishing My Real Life

John 6

When Jesus insists that we have no life in us if we do not eat His flesh and drink His blood, then explains that the life is spirit, and His words are spirit; I think about eating food. I take a bite, chew it up, and swallow it, and that food is digested and becomes my body. That is the way I am to eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood, spiritually. 

I will take a bite, a passage of scripture, and chew on it for a while--meditate on it, think about it, turn it over in my mind, research it, etc. Then when I am ready to accept that truth in its total entirety, with all its practicality and applicability to my life, my daily living and attitudes, then I'm ready to swallow it, and let it digest to become my life. That is what Jesus was talking about in that passage.

Some of His cuts of steak (the meat of the Word), even though they are very delicious and nourishing, seem to take a lot of chewing before I am able to swallow them.   


  1. Thank you for explaining this scripture and making it easier to understand.
