
Friday, May 27, 2016

Political Strategy?

Proverbs 22:8

Whoever sows injustice reaps calamity, and the rod they wield in fury will be broken.

Political leaders often have ulterior motives for getting into politics; they want to have power over the people. They don't care about the populace, only their own advancement and wealth. So we have seen often in history that this Proverb has spoken truth: Those who have made laws to promote lifestyles that are against the ways God has made this world to work, have resulted in calamities that enable the rulers to take control over the people.

This often takes away the citizens' freedoms to worship, to defend themselves, to live out the lifestyles they believe are right for them, and have even been punished for obeying the customs of their beliefs. This is wielding the rod in fury. But we know that God will see that this rod of fury will be broken, when it has fulfilled His purposes.

We as God's people need to pay attention to what our "rulers" are doing in passing laws, declaring edicts, writing legal letters, judging according to precedent and personal preference instead of law, and otherwise going around the processes set out in our founding documents, to change the way this Nation exists in the World. 

When we as a people followed our founders and leaders who were righteous men, we experienced much prosperity, more so than any other Nation since Solomon ruled in Israel so long ago. We hear talk of Progressiveness that has spread so widely across this land, but what has this Progress brought us so far? It would not be going backward would it, to look back at what brought us prosperity in the past, and follow those ways? To look for men and women to lead us who understand how the political climate affects the common person, and will lead us back into the righteous ways our Maker and Designer has told us how to live? Then we can again experience the true liberty and peace we knew in the past.

This World system is racing toward the One World Government that will usher in the Man of Sin, the Antichrist. As God's people, we need to do all we can to promote God's Kingdom and His righteousness to thwart this evil System, in our own Nation (for our own benefit) and in the World. We need to be in prayer for this and other Nations, to return to the Right way to live and rule, and reap the benefits God has programmed into this Earth, and He will receive the credit, the glory, because He planned it so. Let's bring this about, even if it will be a brief episode, before the End of the Ages.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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