
Monday, May 23, 2016

To Be Blessed In What We Do

James 1:25

But one who looks intently --

To examine closely, deeply, which takes time and effort.

at the perfect law, --

This "law" we are to study is the Way God has designed this world to work and our response to cooperate with it. This would include all the laws, instructions, testimonies, ways, precepts, orders, statutes, decrees, commandments, judgments, ordinances, promises, the Word, the Path and the Utterance of God.

the law of liberty, --

This will free us to enjoy the benefits that this world provides.

and abides by it, --

Continually and habitually living each day in harmony with how this world works.

not having become a forgetful hearer --

Not forgetting to think in the heat of the moment.

but an effectual doer, --

Remembering to apply what we've learned of God's ways, instead of reverting back to reacting out of our fallen nature, relying on God's Spirit from moment to moment.

this man shall be blessed in what he does. --

Then God will bless us not only with the worldly rewards that will come as the natural result of operating with instead of against the way this world works, but will also grant miraculous results in answer to prayer, far beyond anything that we could imagine or think of. And He will receive all the Glory, the credit for designing it to work so well.

Whenever we buy a machine, an appliance or a vehicle, it comes with a book of "manufacturer's instructions" so we can treat it and operate it in the way it was designed to work, and get the benefits of it. Our Maker also gave us His Book, and when we "look intently" at this "perfect law," then we will be able to "connect the dots" to see the whole picture. Then it will be evident how we are to respond to it, by "following the directions," obeying the precepts and laws; by loving one another the way God has loved us. Simple is not necessarily easy.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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