II Samuel 15: 27-28, 34-36
David the king also told Zadok the priest, "Look, here is my plan. You and Abiathar should return quietly to the city with your son Ahimaaz and Abiathar's son Jonathan. I will stop at the shallows of the Jordan River and wait there for a report from you. ... Hushai, you return to Jerusalem and tell Absolom, 'I will now be your adviser, O king, just as I was your father's adviser in the past.' Then you can frustrate and counter Ahithophel's advice. Zadok and Abiathar, the priests, will be there. Tell them about the plans being made in the king's palace, and they will send their sons Ahimaas and Jonathan to tell me what is going on."
When King David fled from his son Absalom in order to spare the city of Jerusalem from being destroyed by Absalom's Israeli troops, he set up a system, a spy network, that reached all the way into the king's chambers to spy on Absalom and get word to David what was going on. David was very wise and shrewd to not leave himself blind to what would transpire in Jerusalem, the nation's capital.
This shows us that international intrigue is not necessarily evil, but is a necessary requirement in order to promote God's righteousness in the halls of power in the World.
May we all seek to have that same wisdom and shrewdness that David displayed in our world of politics and power. May we have eyes to see how God sees all that is going on in the governments of this world system, including our own.
Then we will discern how to conduct ourselves in our personal lives and our relationships with our loved ones.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
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