
Thursday, March 16, 2017

No Good Will The Lord Withhold

Psalm 84: 6, 11

When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs, where pools of blessing collect after the rains!

No good will the Lord withhold from those who do what is right.

O my Father, thank You for being such a good God, and so powerful and great. Your goodness is in all You have made: in the way Your Universe runs--as in mathematics, with 2 plus 2 always equaling 4, so that my checkbook can be balanced. And NASA calculating time in the Cosmos and missing that day You gave Joshua in the battle, and the forty minutes You gave Hezekiah in the ten steps backward on his sundial! I love how You break into even NASA's calculations to prove Your Word true! 

I love how You make all the Universe to run and flow so beautifully, and how the rivers all run to the salty sea and still return to flow fresh again. I love how You have made and do now cause everything on this Earth to work together, to be "self-sustaining." 

And when we know Your ways, and live our lives with the attitudes and thinking processes You have given us in Your Word, then we will experience the good You have built into Your creation, and enjoy the bounty You have designed it to provide. Your wisdom and knowledge and intelligence and cleverness all astound me. And these words are so totally inadequate to describe You!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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