Isaiah 5: 20 (read the whole chapter)
What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is darkness, that bitter (poison) is sweet and sweet is bitter.
Let us come before God confessing the sins of our Nation: We are known in the World as God's people, a Christian nation; and we are despised for all our lewdness and shamefulness.
We have called evil good in promoting perverted acts, and called good evil in calling God's Word, the Bible, a book containing hate-speech.
We have called dark light in "keeping an open mind," and called light darkness in viewing God's glorious Gospel, which is free to all, as exclusive and discriminatory.
We have called bitter sweet in promoting chemicals as "sweeteners" even though they are artificial and are not recognized by our bodies as food; and we have called sweet "bitter" in condemning God's natural sweeteners, like honey, to be "high glycemic."
We have had children ruling over us, with women ruling over them.
O our Father, forgive us! Cleanse us! Heal us! Grant us leaders who will throw down all the altars and shrines and idols of all the demons we have been worshiping instead of You, our Maker and Redeemer. Continue to wake up Your church in our Nation, to follow Your ways, to open the door to receiving Your blessings again, as we did in the past. Let us remember the heights from which we have fallen and do again those good things according to Your good ways.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
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