Psalm 66: 7
For by His great power He rules forever. He watches every movement of the Nations . . .
Our God is the Sovereign Lord over all Creation. He designed it, He planned it all out, He made it, He owns it, and He watches over every tiny bit of it, every molecule, all the time. He is in total control. Nothing ever escapes His notice.
He is watching the Nations of the World, assuring that they are all moving into the positions He has predetermined according to His Plan.
And He also keeps His eye on each one of us creatures of His. He knows who of us are His special ones, who will enjoy His presence throughout Eternity. He watches every king and ruler and elected or appointed official, and makes sure that they each are moving their dominions into position.
His Plan of the Ages that He has determined will work out exactly the way He planned it. He will win in the end, and He will share His winnings with His chosen ones.
All we need to do is to get to know Him, learn His ways, and live by them. Yeah, right. Like we can do all that on our own!
That's why He gives us the gift of faith to believe His Word is True, and He calls us into that intimate family relationship He wants for us, as His friend, His child, and His bride. He gives His Spirit to live inside each of us; to give us the knowledge and understanding of what we believe, to strengthen us to flee from temptation and resist the enemy, and to do His will for each of us. God is the Initiator of it all, every step of the way.
That's how much He values us, and loves us. He knows we are only dust, but He is working in each of us to transform us into His diamonds.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
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