
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Who Would Have Believed?

Lamentations 4: 12-13

Not a king in all the Earth--no one in all the World--would have believed that an enemy could march through the Gates of Jerusalem. Yet it happened because of the sins of her priests, who defiled the City by shedding innocent blood.

Jeremiah is lamenting the sad state of the City that God Himself set His Name upon. Who would have ever imagined that such a tragedy would happen in this place. 

But it did happen, and he tells us why. He tells us that the innocent blood shed by the priests had defiled the city.

Innocent blood being shed is the reason for the destruction and conquering of the very place God choose to set His Name.

There are very specific causes that prompt God to allow enemies to destroy Nations, and shedding innocent blood is one of them. This term refers to causing the death of people who have not done anything to incur capital punishment. In other words, human sacrifice.

Is there anyone more innocent than someone who has done nothing in life yet at all, because they haven't even been born yet? And our Nation has declared that these tiny people are not "persons" before the laws. So we are "allowed" to take their lives indiscriminately, sacrifices to the gods of convenience and "choice." This is one of the things that prompts God to allow our enemies to conquer us. And our enemy has been working from within our Nation to perpetrate the very things that will destroy us from within, because we cannot be conquered from without.

Please, Father, I beseech You, grant us Leaders who are godly, who fear You, and are firm and strong in their convictions; to cast down all the idols and altars and shrines to the demons that have taken hold on our national life. Give us these godly men and women in our government to rule, to decide, and to judge us according to Your ways, Your true Righteousness and Judgment; to punish the evildoers and reward the honest and ethical and moral. 

Continue to wake up Your children, Father, and expose those who are not Yours. Return us to Your Righteousness before the end.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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