
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Faith That Saves

Genesis 15: 6

Then he believed in the Lord, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.

Abram (Abraham) believed in the Lord when He showed him all the stars in the sky, and there was no "light pollution" to to mask any of them; Abram must have seen thousands, even millions of stars, and God had told him that's how many descendants he would have, even before he had any children yet of his own. Even before God made the blood covenant with him with the divided animals (15:9-17) to "sign" the covenant, the contract He made with him to give his family the land (15:18-21). 

Abraham believed, even before Isaac was born (21:1-7). Abraham demonstrated and proved his faith when God tested him (Chapter 22:1-18). And God said, "by Myself I have sworn," declares the Lord, "that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants shall take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your Offspring all Nations on Earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed Me." (22:16-18).

So Abraham believed in God, and his faith was counted as righteousness in God's eyes. Then years later, God tested his faith, and because he trusted God enough to go ahead with the sacrifice of his son, he proved that his trust in the Lord was strong enough to overcome even the most challenging circumstance. 

So our faith alone is enough to save us, but if it is genuine, saving faith, it will express itself in what we do. Our obedience proves that our faith is genuine; and the trials we face will grow our trust in God, Who always provides a way to escape the temptation, and do what is right (I Corinthians 10:13), just as He provided the ram caught by its horns in a thicket (22:13) to take Isaac's place in death. 

O my Father, I look back and see how much You showed me, before I believed. I was taught Your Truth about Who Jesus is, but You showed me that He took my place on that Cross. How much more have You shown me through the years since that day You saved me. Thank You so much for Your grace-gift of the faith to trust You with all I am. Thank You that you are worthy of all my trust, that You are Almighty God Who can do all things. And thank You for designing this World to run on Love. Continue to teach me more of Who You are, how You designed things to operate, and how I can cooperate with You in my thoughts, my words and my works.

Keep me on that path You have set my feet upon, that I may confidently step each step with my hand in Yours, not turning to the right or to the left, with Your Light illuminating all the pitfalls and stumbling stones in the way. Cause what I do to be a benefit to all You bring across my path, and bless them also with Your good gifts. 

And Father, draw them to Yourself, hiding my flesh in that "cleft of the rock" as You cover me with Your hand, and shine Your light that You have placed in me upon them.

And may You receive all the credit, all the honor and glory, for all that You are doing in my life and in this World.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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