Hebrews 11: 6
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
Some call themselves atheists or agnostics, claiming that there is no way to know for sure there is a God at all. And they are correct to a point.
There is no way for us to know God if He had not chosen to reveal Himself to us. But He has. When we choose to believe what He has told us, then we can learn to trust what He says. Our choice.
Believing that God exists is a good start, but only the first step. The demons also believe that God exists, because they've seen Him. But they don't trust Him.
God made Man with both, the ability to die and also to live forever, our choice. So when Adam willfully sinned, his DNA was changed to allow him to die. Had he ate instead of the Tree of Life, it would have changed his DNA to never die at all; that's why he was driven away from that Tree before he had a chance to sample it after first eating from the Tree of Knowledge.
Now, being subject to death, he can have a substitute to die in his place. The animals needed to die to provide clothing for Adam and Eve, showing that their sin would be covered by the blood of the animal.
Then He gave the sacrifical system to cover their sins until the Messiah (Savior) would come, and to show what He would accomplish for us as the Lamb of God, in not just covering, but actually washing away our sins without a stain or wrinkle by shedding God's own Blood on our behalf individually.
So, if you're searching for the Truth, His Name is Jesus, the Christ of God. He has promised that, if you seek the Lord your God you will find Him, if you look for Him with all your heart and with all your soul (Deuteronomy 4:29).
When I was seeking for the Truth, it didn't matter to me what that Truth would be, just that I could find it so I could believe it, and not be deceived. That's when God found me (I'm the one who was lost!) and I realized that Jesus is the Truth I'd been looking for.
And He will also be found by you. And reward you with His precious salvation and redemption He so graciously and freely gifts to us.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
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