
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Jacob And Esau

Genesis 27 and 28

The story of Jacob and Esau, the twin boys born to Isaac and Rebecca.

God shows us just how dysfunctional this little family of four was. Isaac favored Esau, the hairy he-man who liked the outdoor life. And Rebecca favored Jacob, the smooth-skinned mama's boy who hung around the kitchen. She encouraged Jacob to trick his dad into giving him the blessing Isaac wanted to give to Esau. 

But God used the dysfunctionality of this family to further His purposes. Even though it caused upset and division among those who should have been united, God used the situation to get Jacob to where he would marry the ones with the DNA God wanted for His people.

No matter what happens, even when we do things with worldly motives that seem to tear things apart, God can use them to have things fall into place in our lives to get us to where He wants us to be, to do what He has planned for us to do, to fulfill His purposes.

O my Father, it breaks my heart to see the dysfunctionality in my own family, but I know that You know what You're doing, and that You can use these sorrows and wounds to bring glory to Your Name. Please, Father, just keep me in that path You have set my feet upon, regardless of what others do around me. Help me to remember that Your joy gives me the strength to follow Your ways in all my relationships with my family members and others. That Your light in me might shine out upon all whose lives touch mine, drawing them to Yourself in Your goodness and love. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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