Deuteronomy 31: 7-8, 12
Then Moses called to Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel: "Be strong and courageous, for you shall go with this people into the Land which the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall give it to them as an inheritance.
And the Lord is the One Who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.
Moses was not going to be their leader any more. In order for the people to not be scattered like sheep without a shepherd, he commissioned Joshua in front of all the people so that they would know that they could follow him, and that God had given him authority like He had Moses to lead them, to conquer this Land.
And he also made it clear that God would be the One Who would subdue these peoples that were bigger and stronger and more numerous than Israel. So that they would all look to Joshua and trust God as they entered this Promised Land. And to encourage Joshua to pick up this mantle of authority confidently.
...Be careful to observe...
And they all, Joshua included, were to pay attention and be careful in their thinking processes so that they wouldn't be seduced by all the attractive ways of these peoples who already live here. That's why they were to destroy not just the people who would convince them, but also all the altars, all the idols, all the totems, all the things that were used in the worship of these false gods, these demons.
We must all pay attention to ourselves to be "in the moment" and recognize how we're thinking to make sure that we are not drifting away from the Lord's ways. We are all vulnerable when we're not being careful. We are also seduced by all the attractive ways of the World around us.
Our enemy has convinced by deception so many around us, that we (in America, at least) are eating what are not even food, but chemicals and plastics and Franken-foods. No wonder we are suffering with all these auto-immune diseases. And he has convinced so many to think in a scarcity mode, to think that for one to have more, he has to take it from one who has less. When God has put everything here in abundance, so that every person can have all we need, and make wealth by providing good things to others, enriching them, too.
Whenever God gives, it's always in abundance, far more than just basic necessities. When Jesus made the water into wine, it was a week's worth of beverage for the whole party. When He multiplied the 5 loaves and 2 fishes for the 5000, they had twelve huge baskets full left over. God is generous, giving to us out of His great riches (Philippians 4:19).
We never need to feel that we're in need. We never need to feel that we are deprived or denied. God has already given us everything in abundance in this Earth. We only need to know His ways and order our thinking along His lines, and decide to do life His way. In purity, and in honesty, and in generosity. In considering other before ourselves, and giving God the credit.
That's how He designed it to work.
God didn't want the Israelites to be seduced away from their "Husband," and He doesn't want us to be seduced away from our "Bridegroom." He loves us, and wants us to enjoy the life He provides.
So let us ask Him, seek Him, knock on the door of His ways, as He tells us to do (Luke 11:9-10). Let us continually be aware of His presence with us and in us, to cooperate with how He made this World; and we will enjoy the benefits as we give Him the glory. A win-win.
Even so,come, Lord Jesus!
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