
Thursday, January 25, 2018

God's Reputation And Promises

Deuteronomy 9: 7-29

In Verses 7-24 Moses recounts all the things the people did to anger the Lord while they were in the desert.

And Verses 25-29 tell us that God got angry enough to destroy them, and offered Moses the opportunity to found another Nation! But Moses interceded for them, to remember the Patriarchs and to consider His own reputation.

V. 28 

Otherwise, the land from which Thou dost bring us may say, "Because the Lord was not able to bring them into the land which He had promised them and because He hated them He has brought them out to slay them in the wilderness."

God will always safeguard His own reputation, and He will always keep His promises. 

Moses knew God, so he knew He would listen to this prayer, and answer.

If I know God and understand His ways, then I'll know what God wants for me, and that He can give me what He wants me to have (an if-then proposition); He will always answer those prayers. 

I don't bargain with God, I don't threaten Him, I don't do any of the manipulative manuvers people try in order to get what they want. I only want what He wants for me, because I know it would be much better for me than anything I would think of. 

Even if it means I will be going through hard times or grief or some other disaster in the mean time, because I trust Him through anything He would allow me to face. He will strengthen me, and carry me through it all. And the Joy of the Lord will be my strength.

I know that God will direct all the affairs of this World to complete all His purposes for this Earth, and He has given me a small role, a bit part, in this great Theatre. 

And He will be praised for all He has done.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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