
Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Demise Of Ahab And Jezebel

I Kings 21 & 22

Chapter 21 tells us about King Ahab wanting to own a vineyard that was next door to his palace where he lived. This vineyard happened to belong to a man named Naboth, who lived there in Jezreel. So Ahab asked Naboth if he could buy his vineyard, since it was next to his house, as he wanted to make it into a garden. But Naboth knew that God had apportioned all the land to each family, and he wouldn't allow his allotment from God to be divided up or this plot to be separated from the rest of the land his family owned. 

So Ahab went to his room to sulk! He was a weak man, and wouldn't even try to think up any other way to get what he wanted. That's why he was dominated by his wife. 

So Jezebel took matters into her own hands, and just had Naboth killed, so he couldn't defend himself from her taking his field, and she gave it to Ahab. 

Then God sent Elijah to Ahab, to denounce him for murdering the man and stealing his land. He told him that, in the place that the dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick your blood, even yours (21:19). This was fulfilled in 22:38, when he died in battle and they washed his blood from his chariot and armor in the pool of Samaria, and the dogs licked up his blood. We get an interesting peek here at the workings in the Spiritual realm that affect this physical plane where we live in 22:19-23. God sees to His Plan being worked out by our choices.

And Elijah also denounced Jezebel, predicting that, dogs would eat her by the wall of Jezreel (21:23); which came to pass in II Kings 9:35-37. It's grisly. It's exactly what God had said would happen to her. 

O my Father, some of Your stories are not pretty, because the evil of this World isn't pretty. It's ugly and disgusting and sickening. 

But one Day You will do away with all the evil and wrong, and Your beauty will shine out on all You have made. And we also will shine with Your glory, Father, and the last enemy, death, will be destroyed, to no more have dominion in all Your realms. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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