
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Thy Likeness When I Awake

Psalm 17: 15

As for me, I shall behold Thy face in righteousness; I will be satisfied with Thy likeness when I awake.

This is amazing. King David, the Sweet Psalmist of Israel, knew that he would be resurrected. He realized that he would have the Lord's likeness, he would look like the Lord, when he awoke from death in Resurrection. 

I did not learn this until I read the New Testament. Thank You, Father, for having me live in this time, after Jesus has come, to have this New Covenant with You, and to have the stories and letters recorded for my learning. 

Help me to understand accurately what You have taught Your children through the ages. You are such a Good, Good Father to us! You never leave us hanging for long, hungering after Your Truth. You satisfy our every longing. 

Thank You so much, Father, for teaching me so much of who You are, who I am, how You designed Your Creation to operate, and how to cooperate with You in all I do. 

Protect me and all of Your children from the attacks of the enemy and his minions, to recognize how he twists and mangles Your wonderful Truth into what is harmful and damaging, to destroy those You love. Give me Your words to express Your thoughts to those who are in danger of slipping into the enemy's trap, to rescue them from destruction and pull them out of the fire.

Then You will receive all the honor, all the glory, all the credit for what You have done. You planned it all out before time, and You have carried out all Your plans, using our choices to further Your purposes. And the culmination of all You have designed will be concluded soon. 

Your Son, our Lord God, will return as He promised, and will finish all Your will in this World, this Earth, this Universe.

Meantime, we will "occupy," doing those things that prepare for Your Kingdom. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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