
Friday, December 21, 2018

Know Your Business

Proverbs 27: 23-24

Know well the condition of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds; for riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to all generations.

This tells us to take care of business, to stay tuned to our own wherewithal, our income and support. Then we will be free to focus on others' needs, also.

No one is concerned for your well-being as much as you are, and no one else is responsible for your happiness. We all have responsibility for ourselves first, to love ourselves properly, then love others as ourselves.

If we don't take care of our own business, how can we ever help anyone else?

O my Father, please help me to be aware of all You have blessed me with. Help  me to use the talents and abilities You have given me to be responsible for all I find in my hand. Teach me, Father, to be consistent with what I do, and use my efforts to bless others as well as meet my needs. 

You are so generous, Father; show me how I can be generous as You are. Let me see what I have to share, and release it from my grasp, so I won't hoard. 

I know I tend to be stingy, holding on to whatever comes into my purview. But You have shown me to hold what I have in an open hand, to be ready to release and share what I would otherwise grasp. Only then will Your blessings be broadcast afar. 

Continue working Your Plan, Father, to bring all Your Creation to the denouement that will climax the accomplishment of Your will; that will bring to the finish this whole Era of Man. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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